I am trying to manipulate some equations of motion in block matrix form. My first attempt is with the old linalg package because I don't want the submatrices to expand until I am ready However, linalg is not working as I expected. In particular, the formation of EoM1 in the eample below does not lead the &* operator propagating into a block matrix multiplication. If there is a better way to do this with the Linear Algebra package, I would sure like to see an example. Failing that, what am I doing wrong in the linalg example? The example is a linear case. I also will be trying to do nonlinear cases involving multiple block matrix multiplications. The example below is in the old text ouput (edited for clarity). I have been unable to get worksheets to upload successfully into MaplePrimes. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Neill Smith

# Equations of motion in matrix form in linalg package.


> restart;


> with(linalg);


# Define*simple*matrices and vectors;


> TAM := matrix(3, 3, [Xud, 0, 0, 0, Yvd, 0, 0, 0, Zwd]);


                                  [Xud   0    0 ]


                           TAM := [ 0   Yvd   0 ]


                                  [ 0    0   Zwd]


> TRAM := matrix(3, 3, [0, Xqd, 0, Ypd, 0, Yrd, 0, Zqd, 0]);


                                   [ 0   Xqd   0 ]


                           TRAM := [Ypd   0   Yrd]


                                   [ 0   Zqd   0 ]


> RAM := matrix(3, 3, [Kpd, 0, Krd, 0, Mqd, 0, Npd, 0, Nrd]);


                                  [Kpd   0   Krd]


                           RAM := [ 0   Mqd   0 ]


                                  [Npd   0   Nrd]


> RTAM := matrix(3, 3, [0, Kvd, 0, Mud, 0, Mwd, 0, Nvd, 0]);


                                   [ 0   Kvd   0 ]


                           RTAM := [Mud   0   Mwd]


                                   [ 0   Nvd   0 ]


> Vel := matrix(3, 1, [u, v, w]);




                                 Vel := [v]




> Omg := matrix(3, 1, [p, q, r]);




                                 Omg := [q]




# Create matrix EoM by 1st method


> MAM := matrix(2, 2, ['TAM', 'TRAM', 'RTAM', 'RAM']);


                                    [TAM   TRAM]


                                    [RTAM  RAM ]


> MAM;




> evalm(MAM);


                                [TAM   TRAM]


                                [RTAM  RAM ]


> S := matrix(2, 1, ['Vel', 'Omg']);




                                 S := [   ]




> S;




> evalm(S);






> EoM := `&*`(MAM, S);


                               EoM := MAM &* S


> EoM;


                                  MAM &* S


> EoM1 := evalm(EoM);


                                [TAM Vel + TRAM Omg]


                                [RTAM Vel + RAM Omg]


# However, note that the &* operator did not "propagate" inside of the definition of matrix EoM1.


> EoM1;




> evalm(EoM1);


                            [TAM Vel + TRAM Omg]


                            [RTAM Vel + RAM Omg]


> evalm(EoM1[1]);


Error, array defined with 2 indices, used with 1 indices


> evalm(EoM1[1, 1]);


Error, (in evalm/evaluate) use the &* operator for matrix/vector multiplication


# As noted above the &* operator did not "propagate" inside of the definition of matrix EoM1.


# What we would really like to get would be


> EoM2 := matrix(2, 1, [`&*`('TAM', 'Vel')+`&*`('TRAM', 'Omg'), `&*`('RTAM', 'Vel')+`&*`('RAM', 'Omg')]);


                             [TAM &* Vel + TRAM &* Omg]


                     EoM2 := [                        ]


                             [RTAM &* Vel + RAM &* Omg]


# This looks like EoM1 except that the &* operator is now inside the definition of EoM2.


> EoM2[1, 1];


                          TAM &* Vel + TRAM &* Omg


> evalm(EoM2);


                         [TAM &* Vel + TRAM &* Omg]


                         [RTAM &* Vel + RAM &* Omg]


> evalm(EoM2[1, 1]);


                           [    Xud u + Xqd q    ]


                           [Yvd v + Ypd p + Yrd r]


                           [    Zwd w + Zqd q    ]


> evalm(EoM2[2, 1]);


                           [Kvd v + Kpd p + Krd r]


                           [Mud u + Mwd w + Mqd q]


                           [Nvd v + Npd p + Nrd r]


> evalm(EoM2[1, 1])[1, 1];


                                Xud u + Xqd q


# # Create matrix EoM by 3rd method


> MAM := blockmatrix(2, 2, [TAM, TRAM, RTAM, RAM]);


                           [Xud   0    0    0   Xqd   0 ]


                           [ 0   Yvd   0   Ypd   0   Yrd]


                           [ 0    0   Zwd   0   Zqd   0 ]


                    MAM := [                            ]


                           [ 0   Kvd   0   Kpd   0   Krd]


                           [Mud   0   Mwd   0   Mqd   0 ]


                           [ 0   Nvd   0   Npd   0   Nrd]


> MAM;




> evalm(MAM);


                       [Xud   0    0    0   Xqd   0 ]


                       [ 0   Yvd   0   Ypd   0   Yrd]


                       [ 0    0   Zwd   0   Zqd   0 ]


                       [ 0   Kvd   0   Kpd   0   Krd]


                       [Mud   0   Mwd   0   Mqd   0 ]


                       [ 0   Nvd   0   Npd   0   Nrd]


> S := stackmatrix(Vel, Omg);








                                  S := [ ]








> EoM3 := `&*`(MAM, S);


                              EoM3 := MAM &* S


> EoM3;


                                  MAM &* S


> evalm(EoM3);


                           [    Xud u + Xqd q    ]


                           [Yvd v + Ypd p + Yrd r]


                           [    Zwd w + Zqd q    ]


                           [Kvd v + Kpd p + Krd r]


                           [Mud u + Mwd w + Mqd q]


                           [Nvd v + Npd p + Nrd r]




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