MaplePrimes Commons General Technical Discussions

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Maple Transactions has just published the Autumn 2024 issue at

From the header:

This Autumn Issue contains a "Puzzles" section, with some recherché questions, which we hope you will find to be fun to think about.  The Borwein integral (not the Borwein integral of XKCD fame, another one) set out in that section is, so far as we know, open: we "know" the value of the integral because how could the identity be true for thousands of digits but yet not be really true? Even if there is no proof.  But, Jon and Peter Borwein had this wonderful paper on Strange Series and High Precision Fraud showing examples of just that kind of trickery.  So, we don't know.  Maybe you will be the one to prove it! (Or prove it false.)

We also have some historical papers (one by a student, discussing the work of his great grandfather), and another paper describing what I think is a fun use of Maple not only to compute integrals (and to compute them very rapidly) but which actually required us to make an improvement to a well-known tool in asymptotic evaluation of integrals, namely Watson's Lemma, just to explain why Maple is so successful here.

Finally, we have an important paper on rational interpolation, which tells you how to deal well with interpolation points that are not so well distributed.

Enjoy the issue, and keep your contributions coming.

This is another attempt to tell about one way to solve the problem of inverse kinematics of a manipulator.  
We have a flat three-link manipulator. Its movement is determined by changing three angles - these are three control parameters. 1. the first link rotates around the black fixed point, 2. the second link rotates around the extreme movable point of the first link, 3. the third link − around the last point of the second link. These movable points are red. (The order of the links is from thick to thin.) The working point is green. For example, we need it to move along a circle. But the manipulator has one extra mobility (degree of freedom), that is, the problem has an infinite number of solutions. We have the ability to remove this extra degree of freedom mathematically. And this can also be done in an infinite number of ways.
Let us give two examples where the same manipulator performs the same movement of the working point in different ways. In one case the last red point moves in a straight line, and in the other case it moves in an ellipse. The result is the same. In the corresponding program texts, the manipulator model is described by a system of nonlinear equations f1, f2, f3, f4, f5 relative to the coordinates of the ends of the links (very easy to understand). The specific additional connection that takes away one degree of freedom is highlighted in blue. Equation of a circle in red color.

And as an elective. The same circle was obtained using a spatial 3-link manipulator with 5 degrees of freedom. In the last text, blue and red colors perform the same functions as in the previous texts.


VerifyTools is a package that has been available in Maple for roughly 24 years, but until now it has never been documented, as it was originally intended for internal use only. Documentation for it will be included in the next release of Maple. Here is a preview:

VerifyTools is similar to the TypeTools package. A type is essentially a predicate that a single expression can either satisfy or not. Analogously, a verification is a predicate that applies to a pair of expressions, comparing them. Just as types can be combined to produce compound types, verifications can also be combined to produce compund verifications. New types can be created, retrieved, queried, or deleted using the commands AddType, GetType (or GetTypes), Exists, and RemoveType, respectively. Similarly in the VerifyTools package we can create, retrieve, query or delete verifications using AddVerification, GetVerification (or GetVerifications), Exists, and RemoveVerification.

The package command VerifyTools:-Verify is also available as the top-level Maple command verify which should already be familiar to expert Maple users. Similarly, the command VerifyTools:-IsVerification is also available as a type, that is,


will return the same as

type(ver, 'verification');

The following examples show what can be done with these commands. Note that in each example where the Verify command is used, it is equivalent to the top-level Maple command verify. (Also note that VerifyTools commands shown below will be slightly different compared to the Maple2024 version):


Suppose we want to create a verification which will checks that the length of a result has not increased compared to the expected result. We can do this using the AddVerification command:

AddVerification(length_not_increased, (a, b) -> evalb(length(a) <= length(b)));

First, we can check the existence of our new verification and get its value:




proc (a, b) options operator, arrow; evalb(length(a) <= length(b)) end proc

For named verifications, IsVerification is equivalent to Exists (since names are only recognized as verifications if an entry exists for them in the verification database):



On the other hand, a nontrivial structured verification can be checked with IsVerification,

IsVerification(boolean = length_not_increased);


whereas Exists only accepts names:

Exists(boolean = length_not_increased);

Error, invalid input: VerifyTools:-Exists expects its 1st argument, x, to be of type symbol, but received boolean = length_not_increased

The preceding command using Exists is also equivalent to the following type call:

type(boolean = length_not_increased, verification);


Now, let's use the new verification:

Verify(x + 1/x, (x^2 + 1)/x, length_not_increased);


Verify((x^2 + 1)/x, x + 1/x, length_not_increased);


Finally, let's remove the verification:





Error, (in VerifyTools:-GetVerification) length_not_increased is not a recognized verification

GetVerifications returns the list of all verifications known to the system:


[Array, FAIL, FrobeniusGroupId, Global, Matrix, MultiSet, PermGroup, RootOf, SmallGroupId, Vector, address, after, approx, array, as_list, as_multiset, as_set, attributes, boolean, box, cbox, curve, curves, dataframe, dataseries, default, default, dummyvariable, equal, evala, evalc, expand, false, float, function, function_bounds, function_curve, function_shells, greater_equal, greater_than, in_convex_polygon, indef_int, interval, less_equal, less_than, list, listlist, matrix, member, multiset, neighborhood, neighbourhood, normal, permute_elements, plot, plot3d, plot_distance, plotthing_compile_result, polynom, procedure, ptbox, range, rational, record, relation, reverse, rifset, rifsimp, rtable, set, sign, simplify, sublist, `subset`, subtype, superlist, superset, supertype, symbol, table, table_indices, testeq, text, true, truefalse, type, undefined, units, vector, verifyfunc, wildcard, xmltree, xvm]


Austin Roche
Software Architect
Mathematical Software

We are pleased to announce that the registration for the Maple Conference 2024 is now open.

Like the last few years, this year’s conference will be a free virtual event. Please visit the conference page for more information on how to register.

This year we are offering a number of new sessions, including more product training options and an Audience Choice session.
You can find an overview of the program on the Sessions page. Those who register before September 10th, 2024 will have a chance to vote for the topics they want to learn more about during the Audience Choice session.

We hope to see you there!

This is a reminder that presentation applications for the Maple Conference are due July 17, 2024.

The conference is a a free virtual event and will be held on October 24 and 25, 2024.

We are inviting submissions of presentation proposals on a range of topics related to Maple, including Maple in education, algorithms and software, and applications. We also encourage submission of proposals related to Maple Learn. You can find more information about the themes of the conference and how to submit a presentation proposal at the Call for Participation page.

I encourage all of you here in the Maple Primes community to consider joining us for this event, whether as a presenter or an attendee!

Kaska Kowalska
Contributed Program Co-Chair


The Proceedings of the Maple Conference 2023 is now out, at

The presentations these are based on (and more) can be found at .

There are several math research papers using Maple, an application paper by an undergraduate student, an engineering application paper, and an interesting geometry teaching paper.

Please have a look, and don't forget to register for the Maple Conference 2024.

We are happy to announce another Maple Conference to be held October 24 and 25, 2024!

It will be a free virtual event again this year, and it will be an excellent opportunity to meet other members of the Maple community and get the latest news about our products. More importantly, it's a chance for you to share the work you've been doing with Maple and Maple Learn. 

We have just opened the Call for Participation. We are inviting submissions of presentation proposals on a range of topics related to Maple, including Maple in education, algorithms and software, and applications. We also encourage submission of proposals related to Maple Learn. 

You can find more information about the themes of the conference and how to submit a presentation proposal at the Call for Participation page. Applications are due July 17, 2024.

Presenters will have the option to submit papers and articles to a special Maple Conference issue of the Maple Transactions journal after the conference.

Registration for attending the conference will open in July.  Watch for further announcements in the coming weeks.

I encourage all of you here in the Maple Primes community to consider joining us for this event, whether as a presenter or an attendee!

Kaska Kowalska
Contributed Program Co-Chair

A blue triangle with white text

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Attention Maple enthusiasts! It gives me great pleasure to announce Maple 2024! Maple 2024 brings together a collection of new feature