Maple 11 - I'm trying to implement the explicit formulas for the three cubic solutions. I tried typing them in explicitly from other sources to no avail, for some reason or the other. Right now I'm currently using: solone, soltwo, solthree := solve(a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d): solone:=unapply(solone,a,b,c,d); soltwo:=unapply(soltwo,a,b,c,d); solthree:=unapply(solthree,a,b,c,d); The only problem is that, these solutions degenerate when the descriminant is equal to zero, for example: solone(1,3,3,1), soltwo(1,3,3,1) and solthree(1,3,3,1) all give errors. factor() and simplify() don't remove the problem from the denominator. Is there an easy way to re-arrange these formulas so that they're valid for all complex a,b,c,d? I really refuse to type these fomulas in by hand to solve my problem... I'd use the other solutions - but I need the solution to stay in the form, where each of the three solutions are explicitly dependent only on the variables a,b,c,d - without any substitutions behind the works. Thanks in advance.

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