Titlefont affects other text elements in an animation. Here is an example.

First, without an animation (works OK, ignoring such things as the plot being higher at 0 than it should, having too many ticks on the y axis, the plot being located too far from the title etc., which are different topics),

plots:-display(plot(abs, -1 .. 1, title = "y = |x|", 
titlefont = [HELVETICA, 24], scaling = constrained));


Second, in an animation (not OK),

plots:-display(plot(abs, -1 .. 1, title = "y = |x|", 
titlefont = [HELVETICA, 24], scaling = constrained), 
insequence = true);



PS By the way - it is also a different topic, but still is interesting - why 0.2 is displayed on the y-axis and 0.7 is not? -Alec

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