I have found that once I have "ugraded" to AVG Free 8 (the antivirus of Grisoft) Maple 12 Classic GUI no longer finishes starting: the splash screen remains, the red button is on, pressing it issues "You are in the middle of a computation. Do you wish to interrupt it?". Pressing it gives me a non responsive GUI. And the task manager is required to kill the zombie proceses that remain after closing the GUI.

I have not found any other version of Maple/interface affected. This problem has disappeared when uninstalling AVG free 8 and reinstalled AVG free 7.5.x, and  I have found it reproducible  in the sense that  whenever  I reinstall  AVG free  8  this problem occurs, while it disappears with 7.5.

I do not know yet whether there is something peculiar to this installation (Win XP Pro SP2) or this is a problem that could occur elsewhere.

The reason to upgrade was a notification box issued by AVG free 7.5.x warning that support for this version will end by 31th May and urging for upgrade. But it seems that some other problems occured with this "enhanced" version and the deadline was moved in practice to the end of this year.



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