To mark the end of eleven very fruitful years in residence at the University of Waterloo, I have written a goodbye essay. The title and abstract appear below, along with a link to the full text. The essay describes my long-term research goals and presents my personal vision for the future of the areas of mathematics in which I work.

Title The Geddes Series Project: A Vision for the Future of Multivariate Real, Complex, and Hypercomplex Analysis
Abstract This essay describes my personal research vision, which has evolved and grown over the course of two decades of free inquiry in both mathematics and computing. I will begin by thanking two leading researchers who have played a vital role in nurturing that vision: Keith Geddes (Waterloo) and Bruno Buchberger (RISC-Linz). I will end by inviting researchers in pure, applied, and computational mathematics to join my closest colleagues and myself in a broad, ongoing, interdisciplinary collaboration—to embark on a new adventure of unfettered exploration, full of promise and possibilities!
Full Text

Frederick W. Chapman, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Waterloo

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