Now that you have a shiny new degree in mathematics or computer science, how do you get a job in your field? There are many online resources which can help you succeed in your quest! These websites offer general advice on getting a job in your field: These websites maintain current listings of job openings:
  • AMS: MathJobs.Org This wonderful new website manages the entire job application process—from searching through job listings to collecting confidential letters of recommendation to submitting your application materials online!
Please note that a search may turn up sources of funding and job openings not listed on the websites above. For example, you can search for NSF and NSERC graduate and postdoctoral fellowships; research fellowships in pure mathematics, applied mathematics, computational mathematics, scientific computing, and other fields; opportunities at government research labs and national supercomputing centers; research associate positions at major universities; jobs at technology companies like Maplesoft, Sybase, Research in Motion (RIM), Microsoft, IBM Research, MathWorks, MathSoft, MacKichan Software, Design Science (DSI), Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG), Visual Numerics, SPSS, SAS, Texas Instruments (TI), Hewlett-Packard (HP), Intel, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Google, Yahoo, and many more. If you are seeking a job in academia, keep in mind that there is a yearly hiring cycle for most academic positions. Application deadlines vary widely, depending on the institution and the type of position. Application materials may be due as early as November or as late as March for tenure-track faculty positions beginning in July, August, or September. In contrast, permanent lecturer positions, visiting faculty positions, and sessional teaching positions may be advertised at almost any time of year, depending on current needs. Since sessional teaching positions may become available on very short notice—and may not even be advertised—it helps to leave your name and credentials with the chairs of local departments to let them know that you are available for part-time teaching as an adjunct lecturer. Be sure to apply early for academic jobs and allow a substantial amount of time to prepare the required application materials. Postdoctoral positions and tenure-track faculty positions typically require a cover letter, several letters of recommendation, a curriculum vitae, publication list, research statement, and teaching statement. You must plan ahead so that you will be ready to meet application deadlines as they arise. If I have omitted any major online job resources which you have found useful, please let me know so that I can update this web page. I hope that the resources listed here bring you much success in your job search! -- Frederick W. Chapman, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Waterloo

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