Maple Flow Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple Flow


Is there any other way to interrupt a MapleFlow (2024.2) evaluation, other then the red circled ! icon?

Sometimes MF gets stuck in an "Evaluating" state and the red circled ! icon doesn´t work.

Thanks very much in advance for any help.

Hello everyone,

I'm quite new to Maple Flow and I really like it. However, since the 2024.2 update, Flow sometimes does not let me save a worksheet. Just nothing happens when I click Save or Save As or press Ctrl+S. Same thing when I click "Yes" in the dialogue (which asks me if I want to save the changes) after I close the worksheet.

As a workaround in these cases, I copy the whole content of the worksheet, close Flow altogether and open a new worksheet into which I paste the previously copied contents. Am I the only one experiencing this behaviour? Am I doing something wrong?

After download MapleFlow 2024.2 "fsolve" return only one solution for a polynom of n-order.

Can I unchain by an hidden order?

I'm evaulating Maple Flow and wondered if any Mathcad users have transferred to Maple Flow?

What are the pros/cons of Maple Flow? It's different to what I'm used to so I need to spend time learning. But I'm liking what I see so far.

I tried the latest Maple flow upgrade (2024.2) and noticed some strange behavior. When I enter units such as L/min or m/s^2, the program states: "invalid unit(s) Units:-Simple:-*" However, to my surprise, if I start the canvas by stating with(Units) everything works as it should. In the user manual however it is stated that the with() commands do not work within Flow. If someone would be so kind to explain what I am doing wrong.

I'm trying some number theory functions and got a problem with prime factorization.

When I try the function ifactor in Maple, it works perfectly, but when I try it in MapleFlow, I get:

ifactor(50) = 50

Is there something I'm missing?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Low power user (occasional) here! I would like to extract the parameters from a curve fit and assign to another variable?


I just got 2 questions regarding symbols and answers in MapleFlow (I might be doing something wrong here).

- In trying to input the integral int(F(x), x = -pi/5 .. pi/5) - this is just an example! - as a symbol,

int(F(x), x = -pi/5 .. pi/5)

MapleFlow doesn´t accept fractions or multiplications for bondaries values, unless I input "int(F(x), x = -pi/5 .. pi/5 =". Is there anyway to do it?

- is it possible to have the answer as 2*cos((3*Pi)/10), like in Maple, instead of 2.00*cos(300e-3*pi) ()symbolic expression) or 1.18 (numeric expression)?

Thanks in advance for your help.

I am stuck this command works seemlessly in Maple:

ThermophysicalData:-CoolProp:-Property(D, T = 20*Unit('degC'), P = 760*Unit('mmHg'), water)

but it does not work in Maple Flow. Does anyone knows why? Thank you so much for your help in the matter.

I learnt that MapleFlow (MF) was a product similar (and better) than MathCad (MC). I have a old copy of MC, v.11 (with Maple symbolic engine) and I compared it with MF from my engineering dep. 

Can one kindly explain why Sum of a simple Matrix does not work, if the index is placed as exponent? Here what I did:

I am new to Maple Flow and am constantly having issues like the one shown below. A cell will become corrupted somehow, and the kernel will crash or freeze. I can save and quit, but if I re-open the file, the crash will happen again before I can diable evaluation. My questions:

  1. Has anyone else had this issue? Was it solvable?
  2. Can evaluation be disabled by default? Its possible in Maple but I don't see how in Flow.
  3. Can the kernel be restarted and reconnected (like Jupyter Lab)?

I cant expand the cell in question because of the crash, but this cell isn't the issue. This is happening all the time.

Thanks in advance


_local(D, O);
A := [0, 0, 0];
B := [a, 0, 0];
C := [a, b, 0];
D := [0, b, 0];
S := [0, 0, h];
O := [x, y, z];
lineSC := Line(S, C);
lineSD := Line(S, D);
H := Projection(A, lineSC);
K := Projection(A, lineSD);
OH := H - O;
OK := K - O;
OC := C - O;
M := Matrix([OH, OK, OC]);
O := eval(O, %);
R := simplify(Distance(O, H));



  rowalign = "", columnalign = "", groupalign = "", 

  rowspan = "1", columnspan = "1"), rowalign = "", 

  columnalign = "", groupalign = ""), Typesetting:-mtr(

  Typesetting:-mtd(b, rowalign = "", columnalign = "", 

  groupalign = "", rowspan = "1", columnspan = "1"), 

  rowalign = "", columnalign = "", groupalign = ""), 

  Typesetting:-mtr(Typesetting:-mtd(uminus0h, rowalign = "", 

  columnalign = "", groupalign = "", rowspan = "1", 

  columnspan = "1"), rowalign = "", columnalign = "", 

  groupalign = ""), foreground = "[0,0,0]", readonly = "false", 

  align = "axis", rowalign = "baseline", columnalign = "center", 

  groupalign = "{left}", alignmentscope = "true", 

  columnwidth = "auto", width = "auto", rowspacing = "1.0ex", 

  columnspacing = "0.8em", rowlines = "none", 

  columnlines = "none", frame = "none", 

  framespacing = "0.4em 0.5ex", equalrows = "false", 

  equalcolumns = "false", displaystyle = "false", side = "right", 

  minlabelspacing = "0.8em")],variables=[x,y,z],parameter=t,id=1)



  rowalign = "", columnalign = "", groupalign = "", 

  rowspan = "1", columnspan = "1"), rowalign = "", 

  columnalign = "", groupalign = ""), Typesetting:-mtr(

  Typesetting:-mtd(b, rowalign = "", columnalign = "", 

  groupalign = "", rowspan = "1", columnspan = "1"), 

  rowalign = "", columnalign = "", groupalign = ""), 

  Typesetting:-mtr(Typesetting:-mtd(uminus0h, rowalign = "", 

  columnalign = "", groupalign = "", rowspan = "1", 

  columnspan = "1"), rowalign = "", columnalign = "", 

  groupalign = ""), foreground = "[0,0,0]", readonly = "false", 

  align = "axis", rowalign = "baseline", columnalign = "center", 

  groupalign = "{left}", alignmentscope = "true", 

  columnwidth = "auto", width = "auto", rowspacing = "1.0ex", 

  columnspacing = "0.8em", rowlines = "none", 

  columnlines = "none", frame = "none", 

  framespacing = "0.4em 0.5ex", equalrows = "false", 

  equalcolumns = "false", displaystyle = "false", side = "right", 

  minlabelspacing = "0.8em")],variables=[x,y,z],parameter=t,id=2)

               /     2            2         / 2    2\ /
               |    h  a         h  b     h \a  + b / |
               | 2    2    2  2    2    2  2    2    2|
               \a  + b  + h  a  + b  + h  a  + b  + h \

                          /    2         2  /
                          |   h  b    h b   |
                          |   2    2  2    2|
                          \  b  + h  b  + h \

        /                2                       2               
        |               h  a                    h  b             
OHAssign|uminus0x + ------------,uminus0y + ------------,uminus0z
        |            2    2    2             2    2    2         
        \           a  + b  + h             a  + b  + h          

       / 2    2\ /
     h \a  + b / |
   + ------------|
      2    2    2|
     a  + b  + h \

            /                      2                    2  /
            |                     h  b               h b   |
    OKAssign|uminus0x,uminus0y + -------,uminus0z + -------|
            |                     2    2             2    2|
            \                    b  + h             b  + h \

          OCAssign(uminus0x + a,uminus0y + b,uminus0z)

M := Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mo("&\

  uminus0;"), Typesetting:-mi("x"), Typesetting:-mo("+"), 


  tting:-mi("h"), Typesetting:-mn("2")), Typesetting:-mo("&Invis\

  ibleTimes;"), Typesetting:-mi("a")), Typesetting:-mrow(Typeset\

  ting:-msup(Typesetting:-mi("a"), Typesetting:-mn("2")), 

   Typesetting:-mo("+"), Typesetting:-msup(Typesetting:-mi(\

  "b"), Typesetting:-mn("2")), Typesetting:-mo("+"), 

   Typesetting:-msup(Typesetting:-mi("h"), Typesetting:-mn("2"))\

  ))), (1, 2) = Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mo("&uminus0;"), 

   Typesetting:-mi("y"), Typesetting:-mo("+"), Typesetting:\


  ), Typesetting:-mn("2")), Typesetting:-mo("⁢"),\

   Typesetting:-mi("b")), Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-msup(Ty\

  pesetting:-mi("a"), Typesetting:-mn("2")), Typesetting:-mo("&p\

  lus;"), Typesetting:-msup(Typesetting:-mi("b"), Typesetting:-m\

  n("2")), Typesetting:-mo("+"), Typesetting:-msup(Typesett\

  ing:-mi("h"), Typesetting:-mn("2"))))), (1, 3) = Typesetting:-\

  mrow(Typesetting:-mo("&uminus0;"), Typesetting:-mi("z"), 

   Typesetting:-mo("+"), Typesetting:-mfrac(Typesetting:-mr\

  ow(Typesetting:-mi("h"), Typesetting:-mo("⁢"), 


  setting:-mi("a"), Typesetting:-mn("2")), Typesetting:-mo("&plu\

  s;"), Typesetting:-msup(Typesetting:-mi("b"), Typesetting:-mn(\

  "2"))))), Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-msup(Typesetting:-mi(\

  "a"), Typesetting:-mn("2")), Typesetting:-mo("+"), 

   Typesetting:-msup(Typesetting:-mi("b"), Typesetting:-mn("2"))\

  , Typesetting:-mo("+"), Typesetting:-msup(Typesetting:-mi\

  ("h"), Typesetting:-mn("2"))))), (2, 1) = Typesetting:-mrow(Ty\

  pesetting:-mo("&uminus0;"), Typesetting:-mi("x")), (2, 2) = 

   Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mo("&uminus0;"), Typesetting:-\

  mi("y"), Typesetting:-mo("+"), Typesetting:-mfrac(Typeset\


   Typesetting:-mn("2")), Typesetting:-mo("⁢"), 

   Typesetting:-mi("b")), Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-msup(Ty\

  pesetting:-mi("b"), Typesetting:-mn("2")), Typesetting:-mo("&p\

  lus;"), Typesetting:-msup(Typesetting:-mi("h"), Typesetting:-m\

  n("2"))))), (2, 3) = Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mo("&uminu\

  s0;"), Typesetting:-mi("z"), Typesetting:-mo("+"), 


   Typesetting:-mo("⁢"), Typesetting:-msup(Typese\

  tting:-mi("b"), Typesetting:-mn("2"))), Typesetting:-mrow(Type\

  setting:-msup(Typesetting:-mi("b"), Typesetting:-mn("2")), 

   Typesetting:-mo("+"), Typesetting:-msup(Typesetting:-mi(\

  "h"), Typesetting:-mn("2"))))), (3, 1) = Typesetting:-mrow(Typ\

  esetting:-mo("&uminus0;"), Typesetting:-mi("x"), Typesetting:-\

  mo("+"), Typesetting:-mi("a")), (3, 2) = Typesetting:-mro\

  w(Typesetting:-mo("&uminus0;"), Typesetting:-mi("y"), 

   Typesetting:-mo("+"), Typesetting:-mi("b")), (3, 3) = 

   Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mo("&uminus0;"), Typesetting:-\


Error, invalid input: eval received Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = -x+h^2*a/(a^2+b^2+h^2), (1, 2) = -y+h^2*b/(a^2+b^2+h^2), (1, 3) = -z+h*(a^2+b^2)/(a^2+b^2+h^2), (2, 1) = -x, (2, 2) = -y+h^2*b/(b^2+h^2), (2, 3) = -z+h*b^2/(b^2+h^2), (3, 1) = -x+a, (3, 2) = -y+b, (3, 3) = -z}), which is not valid for its 2nd argument, eqns
       /     1       / 2  2      2        2  2    2  2    2  2
  R := |------------ \a  h  - 2 a  h z + a  x  + a  y  + a  z 
       | 2    2    2                                          
       \a  + b  + h                                           

            2      2  2      2        2  2    2  2    2  2
     - 2 a h  x + b  h  - 2 b  h z + b  x  + b  y  + b  z 

            2      2  2    2  2    2  2\\      
     - 2 b h  y + h  x  + h  y  + h  z /|^(1/2)
Why this error ? Thank you.

In MapleFlow lowerscript L is not easily available.  It should be accessible with the CRTL+space after typing L.

Or in a list of common symbols (that pallete is not available in Maple Flow)

I had to to use maple to discover how to enter it.

`ℓ produced the correct result and then deleting the quote I could achieve the desired result.

I got the proportional symbol to work once, typing "proportional" + CRTL + Space.  Went for wlak came back and could not get it to work at all.

Does it actually work or am I imagining things?

Is it possible in Maple Flow to reference to another worksheet as you can in Maple? If so, how would you do that? Thanks in advance for your help.

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