Maple 15 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 15

I run the following working maplet:



Where "muutujad" is a procedure I defined and which returns the three inputs in the form [TF1,TF2,TF3].

It works fine, but if I insert "theta" as input, it of course stays in the string form, not Θ. Even if I copy the symbol and paste it in the textfied, it doesn't accept the symbol. Is there any way I can convert the text input to actual symbol?

Hi !

I am trying to solve a pde with initial/boundary conditions, in the numeric mode. It works very well when I provide 3 numerical conditions : 1 initial condition (uniform distribution at first), and two boundary conditions.

Now I want to switch the initial condition to a function of r. It's a polynome I obtained after interpolation of another result. I tested it and the function interp20(r) works. But the pdsolve doesn't seem to evaluate the function, when it comes to start the procedure and pdsolve doesn't return a module as it should, although it doesn't send any message error.

You can see the code following, with the error messages I get.


Is it strictly impossible to use a function as an initial condition ?
Is it just a problem I could solve by converting the function or its result to something else ?
Is float the right type of input ? For example, if I write a:=283.15, is it a float ?
Have you already had similar problems ? How did you solve them ? Where could I find working code examples on this ?
Could I solve this problem with non-uniform initial condition with another Maple function ?

Then you very much for your help !



I have a problem about the integration of a function. The maple returns mathematical form of the given command

the function is

fn :=(-4.079067798*10^(-16)+3.422708023*10^(-16)*I)*(3.363377947*10^(-11)+5.977507284*10^(-12038)*I+(3.363377947*10^(-11)+4.678081798*10^(-22)*I)*erf(1.664331698*10^15*qq-0.2503507367e-1-4.649313602*I)) *exp(-2.77*(qq/(tau*tau))^2)*exp(-I*w0*qq)*exp(-(ss-qq)/T_pop)

qq is the integration variable




Hi everyone,

I am trying to solve the equation of heat tranfer, time dependent, with particular Initial and boundary conditions but I am stuck by technical problems both in getting an analytical solution and a numerical one.

The equation

the equation.

I defined a and b numerically. domain is : and I defined surf_power numerically.

The initial condition is : , T0 defined numerically

The boundary condition is : , because it has a shperical symetry.

To me, it looks like a well posed problem. Does it look fine ?

Problem in analytical solution :

It doesn't accept the boundary condition so I only input the initial condition and it actually gives me back an expression that can be evaluated but it never does : I can't reduce it more than an expression of fourier which I can't eval. The solution :
The solution calculated in (0,0). I was hoping T0...

Are you familiar with these problems ? What would be the perfect syntax you would use to solve this ?

The numerical solution problems :

Sometimes it tells me that my boundary condition is equivalent  to 0 = 0, and I don't see why. Some other times it tells me I only gave 1 boundary/initial condition even if I wrote both. Here is what I wrote for example :

(because it kept asking me to add these two options : 'time' and 'range')

Are you familiar with these problems ? What would be the perfect syntax you would use to solve this ? I must at least have syntax problems because even if I keep reading the Help, it's been a long time since I used Maple.

Thank very much for any indication you could give me !


for i from 0 to 3 do print("rawData[", i, "] = new double[] { ", hello(i+1), ",", data[i+1], "};") end do

wrong format after copy to notepad from the maple 15

do not know why it insert a empty line, and make "};" in another line

and there is unexpected " 


wrong format example:

"rawData[", 0, "] = new double[] { ", 73.25, ",", 0.1510425143,

"rawData[", 1, "] = new double[] { ", 73.15, ",", 0.3974080269,

"rawData[", 2, "] = new double[] { ", 72.85, ",", 0.4661517269,

"rawData[", 3, "] = new double[] { ", 73.25, ",", 0.3974080269,


expected format:
rawData[0] = new double[] { 25.0, 20.0 };
rawData[1] = new double[] { 27.0, 34.0 };

How to solve delay differential equations with Maple?


diff(x(t),t) = 3*x(t)^2 + 0.3*x(x-0.03)

I use Maple 15 to calculate some (nasty) integrals at my university. Because our university also offers a server on which I can run my Maple program, I would like to do that. (instead of occupying a workspace). But at the computer on my workspace the integrals are evaluated fine, but on the server the integrals are just returned with no numerical evaluation.

I constructed a MWE to look where it goes wrong. I set the printlevel to 25 so I could see what was going on. The MWE was suprisingly simple, on both machines (via ssh) I executed within maple:

evalf(Int(1/sqrt(x), x=0..2))

This of course would normally just give 2*sqrt(2). On my workplace-pc it worked fine and it found 2.828427125. The server just returned the integral. After looking at the steps, they where both exactly the same until the following part:


         General_flags := {_NoNAG, _DEFAULT, _NoMultiple}

            NAG_methods := {_d01ajc, _d01akc, _d01amc}

                        Method := _DEFAULT

                          HFDigits := 15

                        HFeps := 0.1 10

                    HFeps := 0.5000000000 10

   oldEvents := overflow = default, division_by_zero = default

                         callNAG := true

                            fcns := {}

                  result := 2.82842712474618807


        General_flags := {_NoNAG, _DEFAULT, _NoMultiple}

           NAG_methods := {_d01ajc, _d01akc, _d01amc}

                       Method := _DEFAULT

                         HFDigits := 15

                       HFeps := 0.1 10

                   HFeps := 0.5000000000 10

   oldEvents := overflow = default, division_by_zero = default

                         callNAG := true

                           fcns := {}

       overflow = exception, division_by_zero = exception

It seems that the server has a problem with the singularity and thus throwing an exception, but I just don't get why. The Maple-versions are both the same.

Does somebody know what this could be?

Hello I am a Maple 15 user and I am using the command fsolve to solve for the intersection of two curves over a specified interval in x, namely from 0 to the lim defined in the Maple document. The specified interval contains asymptotes and when I specify the full interval only one of the three solutions is returned even if I can see that there are three distinct solutions by looking at the plot of RHS and LHS. Should I use another technique to find the solution or is my implementation of fsolve command wrong?

Thanks in advance



n1 := 1:

n2 := 1.50:

n3 := 1.40:

lambda := 1.3:

k0 := 2*Pi/lambda:

d := 3:

x0 := k0*d:

arg1 := sqrt(x0^2*(n2^2-n1^2)):

arg2 := sqrt(x0^2*(n2^2-n3^2)):

lim := FindMinimalElement([arg1, arg2]):

sqr1 := sqrt(x0^2*(n2^2-n1^2)-x^2):

sqr2 := sqrt(x0^2*(n2^2-n3^2)-x^2):

LHS := tan(x):

RHS := (sqr1+sqr2)/(x*(1-sqr1*sqr2/x^2)):

plot([LHS, RHS], x = 0 .. lim, y = -6 .. 6)


fsolve(RHS = LHS, x = (1/2)*Pi .. 3*Pi*(1/2))



fsolve(RHS = LHS, x = 3*Pi*(1/2) .. 9*Pi*(1/4))



fsolve(RHS = LHS, x = 9*Pi*(1/4) .. lim)





Hi there,

Is there a way in which i can solve the following optimal control problem numerically with Maple?

 dH/dt=λ-µ H-(1-u1)β H V+δ I,

dI/dt=(1-u1)β H V-σ I,

‎dV/dt=(1-u2)k I-γ‎V,



‎dλ3/dt=β H(λ1-λ2)(1-u1)‎‎+λ3γ.




σ = α + δ,


H(0)=1.7*10^8,    I(0)=0,    V(0)=400.


λ=5*10^5,    µ=0.003,     β=4*10^(-10),    α=0.043,    δ= 0.2                  k=6.24,       γ‎=0.65.

A1=900, A2=1000.


Answers and advice are very appreciated. 

Thank you all for reading.


i am trying to export an animated gif file but the export windows freezes and exports an empty file with zero bytes

the animation was created by: display(map(p, convert(A(() .. (), 2), list)), insequence = true)

i have tried to give maple some time (2-3 hours) and i even tried to restart the computer and lauch maple and try to export it but it didnt worked

how can i export it or how can i plot the using commands




Is it possible to use Maple 15 Student Edition with the same license information and purchase code both on Windows and Ubuntu?

I did a few Windows reinstalls (guess about 3) hence I used the same purchase code to activate the license that many times. Today I tried installing and using Maple 15 on Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS 32-bit and to my dismay the license manager said, "Not enough activations left on this account." Furthermore, I have exhausted my download links and would like to know how many times Maple 15 can be activated and if the download links can be refreshed?



I'm trying to display some flow lines for a vector field. The vector field I have is:

What I put into Maple is:

I've tried this with a number of points, but I always get an error message along the lines of:

"Error, (in Student:-VectorCalculus:-FlowLine) cannot determine if this expression is true or false: (2.*(1)(0)-4.)^2+(-2.+4.*(1)(0))^2 < 0.9e-9"

Could someone please shed some light as to what's going wrong for me? I would be very grateful for any help.


i have got alot of mixed and high degree derivatives. For example:

u[x]*u[x,t]*eta[x,t]+u[]^2*u[x]*eta[x]+kis(x,y)u[x,t]^2*u[]+eta(x, y)*u[]*u[x]^2+ksi[x,t]*u[x]^2*u[x,t]+......

like this alot of terms

my question is how can i solve divided by the derivative of the u(x,t) partial differential equations system and so  how can i find eta(x,t,u) and ksi(x,t,u)

a error and code in this attachment mw

i can pdsolve it, but numeric pdsolve it get error

Hi, I want to know how to change the rectangular form to polar form, and how to manipulate the operation of them, for example the picture below. The angle of polar form contain radian and degree, how to represent them in Maple?Thank you.

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