MaplePrimes Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, MaplePrimes

I have seen several animated avatars on MaplePrimes. How is this done? I tried to make an animated GIF file my avatar, but it only shows the first frame. Here is the animation:

Dear friends,

after looking through your site for some time I could not find any instructions on how to change my avatar (green caleidoscope pattern at this time). Could you advise me on this? Thank you.

Best regards,

Marko Riedel

PS: If you are answering this, when I enter my website into my profile it says the link is invalid, could that possibly be because there is a tilde in the link and therefore it fails to match a regular expression somewhere? Could we get a more precise error message from the profile validator?

I have a simple minded question :
How can I give an answer a Vote Up or select it as the Best Answer to a question ?

Is there a way to see just the titles of, say, the last 100 questions?  Looking into recent questions I see the full post, so that requires moving up and down multiple pages. Really painful.

I saw yesterday evening (at home) a very elegant answer to my question "Intersection of real intervals" .
Unfortunately I can't retrieve it this morning (I'm in the office)

It was something like  coulitbe('_x' ...) ... but I don't remember it entirely
I think it came from Carl Love or maybe Mac Dude

 Could you please send me it again ?




I am a student of an engineering career

The math teacher is going to ask us to solve some exercises Matlab

The teacher is very hard and explains nothing of Matlab in class

We must learn to use the program on our own viewing internet watching tutorials

I was wondering if somebody could help solve some exercises.

Are only three exercises which are imposible to me

I would appreciate it greatly.

Thank you

My e-mail :

For the last 24hrs or so I have found it almost impossible to upload worksheet files in response to questions.

My usual approach is

Big green up-arrow:
(uploader pop-up appears)

Browse files

(this still works)

Upload file

This is the problem step - I generally just get "waiting for Mapleprimes" in my browser's annunciator box: and I wait, and wait, (as in >5 minutes) and still this step does not complete. Just to be annoying, every once in a while the file will upload as normal, such but success is now the exception

I'm seeing the same issue in Firefox 45.0.2 and Chrome 50.0.2661.75mon Win 7, 64-bit.

Anyone else seeing the same issue?



I am currently working on FDM ,i have 2 coupled nonlinear pde ,i need help in solving these equation using maple code.

> restart:

> alias(f=f(tau,eta), theta=theta(tau,eta));




> PDE1:=S*diff(f,tau,eta)=eta^2*diff(f,eta)^2+(6*eta^2-2*f*eta)*diff(f,eta)+(6*eta^3-f*eta)*diff(f,eta,eta)-eta^4*diff(f,eta,eta,eta);


> PDE2:=eta^4*diff(theta,eta,eta)+2*eta^3*diff(theta,eta)-Pr*(f*eta^2*diff(theta,eta)+S*diff(theta,tau))=0;


The code I write is properly indented.  The operation of pasting it here strips the white space and makes it hard for the reader to comprehend the structure. Manually restoring the appropriate indentation is doable but tedious, made more so because the characters we see here are in a variable width font.  The rationale might be that, given a variable width font the indentation is going to be inconsistent, but that isn't the case if the preformatted style is used, which I do, for code.

Is there any way to turn off the white space stripping?  Presumably this is some ridiculous xml-based processing feature.


sqrt(5) gives sqrt(5)

sqrt(1+sqrt(5)) gives "You have entered an invalid Maple expression"

sqrt(u) gives sqrt(u)

sqrt(1+u); gives "You have entered an invalid Maple expression"


when using the Maple Math icon. How can I get the correct input for the two expressions?

Most of the tags in this question example are rediculous "the, you, is, and, help, how," etc... .  I tried editing them but I cannot save tags to remove junk tags.  Above all, the most important tag to the question Poincare is not there.  This specific issue is for the recent question



As some of you have previously mentioned, we have seen an increase in the amount of spam on MaplePrimes over the past few months. We recently took steps to improve it in a recent update that has so far proven helpful, and have also increased our behind-the-scenes efforts to proactively remove and block spam accounts.

Today we made a couple of additional minor changes to member profiles that should help further. Specifically, members can no longer enter HTML tags in the biography, 'technical interests/fields', and 'other interests' sections within their profiles. Spammers were co-opting these areas to create links back to their sites, and it is our hope that MaplePrimes will become much less attractive to them now that the capability has been removed.

In addition, we de-activated a large number of accounts (with 0 reputation) that were using these fields for spam. Prior to taking this action, we reviewed the records we were deactivating, and did not see any evidence of legitimate members. However, there is a small chance that we blocked a legitimate account in the process of doing this. If this has occurred to you, please accept my apologies and send an e-mail to and we will reactivate it quickly.


I hope that in the future if mapleprimes ever does another overhaul that it does NOT do what has recently been done at the mathematica forum I just came across.

Mapleprimes has endured a forum change from primes1 to primes2(current forum) and all posts/questions have for the most part remained intact, and have been repaired or fixed by the developers if pointed out .. thumbs up for Maplesoft and Mapleprimes developers for retaining all forum data.  Most posts that didn't have a home were simply relocated, but are still accessible.

In the case for mathematica, a whole student forum was removed and is being scrutinized, and decided by mathematica developers whether or not the post should be put back into the forum (currently none of the posts have been restored).  I would think that would be most dissappointing from any user standpoint. 

Off to the right of mapleprimes we have Recent Questions/Maplesoft Blog Posts/Recent Posts and Active Conversations.

I propose to have the category Workarounds added. 


There are two instances I can think of that would be beneficial for Maple users that would belong here.  The most recent one and one regarding issues adding the dissipative term to the heat equations

Users of older versions of Maple or even current Maple versions not yet updated would find this quite useful. 


There are some great comments and replies by users that are worth upvoting.   Also choosing as best answer to some posts that were converted from questions would also be helpful here at mapleprimes.

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