Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple

i did all the time like that and don't have any issue but i don't know why not take derivative by x and t have a problem when i remove t is ok but when i take duble derivative by x and t not run and did't give me error too what is problem with this?







`There is no more prime differentiation variable; all derivatives will be displayed as indexed functions`


tr := {t = tau, x = xi+delta*(tau+1), u(x, t) = U(xi)*exp(I*(-kx+w*(t+1)))}

{t = tau, x = xi+delta*(tau+1), u(x, t) = U(xi)*exp(I*(-kx+w*(t+1)))}


pde := I*(diff(u(x, t), t))+alpha*(diff(u(x, t), `$`(x, 2)))+beta*(diff(u(x, t), x, t))+gamma*u(x, t)*V(xi) = 0




As by title, is it possible to check intermediate results found by nodes when using Grid:Map, and stop the execution according to these?

Is there a way to license a Maple package? Protect it from copying?


When i am solving for delta...its taking so much time? And the simplyfying command not working showing error
Attaching sheet:

every time i have a small problem 2  why not cancel number 2 in denominator , i don't want see a number with fraction like 1/3  3/4 how i fix this


K := (1/2)*sqrt(2*sqrt(2)*sqrt(lambda*a[5]/a[4])+2*sqrt(-2*a[5]/a[4])*(B[1]*sqrt(-lambda)*sinh(sigma)+B[2]*sqrt(-lambda)*cosh(sigma))/(B[1]*cosh(sigma)+B[2]*sinh(sigma)+mu/lambda)+2*sqrt(-(2*(lambda^2*B[1]^2*a[5]-lambda^2*B[2]^2*a[5]-mu^2*a[5]))/(lambda*a[4]))/(B[1]*cosh(sigma)+B[2]*sinh(sigma)+mu/lambda))*e^(i*psi(x, t))

Warning, if e is meant to be the exponential e, use command/symbol completion or palettes to enter this special symbol, or use the exp function


(1/2)*(2*2^(1/2)*(lambda*a[5]/a[4])^(1/2)+2*(-2*a[5]/a[4])^(1/2)*(B[1]*(-lambda)^(1/2)*sinh(sigma)+B[2]*(-lambda)^(1/2)*cosh(sigma))/(B[1]*cosh(sigma)+B[2]*sinh(sigma)+mu/lambda)+2*(-2*(lambda^2*B[1]^2*a[5]-lambda^2*B[2]^2*a[5]-mu^2*a[5])/(lambda*a[4]))^(1/2)/(B[1]*cosh(sigma)+B[2]*sinh(sigma)+mu/lambda))^(1/2)*e^(i*psi(x, t))


B[1] := 0; mu := 0






(1/2)*2^(3/4)*(((coth(sigma)*(-lambda)^(1/2)*(-a[5]/a[4])^(1/2)+(lambda*a[5]/a[4])^(1/2))*B[2]+csch(sigma)*(lambda*a[5]*B[2]^2/a[4])^(1/2))/B[2])^(1/2)*e^(i*psi(x, t))


simplify((1/2)*2^(3/4)*(((coth(sigma)*(-lambda)^(1/2)*(-a[5]/a[4])^(1/2)+(lambda*a[5]/a[4])^(1/2))*B[2]+csch(sigma)*(lambda*a[5]*B[2]^2/a[4])^(1/2))/B[2])^(1/2)*e^(i*psi(x, t)), 'trig')

(1/2)*2^(3/4)*(((coth(sigma)*(-lambda)^(1/2)*(-a[5]/a[4])^(1/2)+(lambda*a[5]/a[4])^(1/2))*B[2]+csch(sigma)*(lambda*a[5]*B[2]^2/a[4])^(1/2))/B[2])^(1/2)*e^(i*psi(x, t))


simplify((1/2)*2^(3/4)*(((coth(sigma)*(-lambda)^(1/2)*(-a[5]/a[4])^(1/2)+(lambda*a[5]/a[4])^(1/2))*B[2]+csch(sigma)*(lambda*a[5]*B[2]^2/a[4])^(1/2))/B[2])^(1/2)*e^(i*psi(x, t)))

(1/2)*2^(3/4)*(((coth(sigma)*(-lambda)^(1/2)*(-a[5]/a[4])^(1/2)+(lambda*a[5]/a[4])^(1/2))*B[2]+csch(sigma)*(lambda*a[5]*B[2]^2/a[4])^(1/2))/B[2])^(1/2)*e^(i*psi(x, t))


simplify((1/2)*2^(3/4)*(((coth(sigma)*(-lambda)^(1/2)*(-a[5]/a[4])^(1/2)+(lambda*a[5]/a[4])^(1/2))*B[2]+csch(sigma)*(lambda*a[5]*B[2]^2/a[4])^(1/2))/B[2])^(1/2)*e^(i*psi(x, t)), 'constant')

(1/2)*2^(3/4)*(((coth(sigma)*(-lambda)^(1/2)*(-a[5]/a[4])^(1/2)+(lambda*a[5]/a[4])^(1/2))*B[2]+csch(sigma)*(lambda*a[5]*B[2]^2/a[4])^(1/2))/B[2])^(1/2)*e^(i*psi(x, t))






Recently a new configuration of a computer, with a better cpu - AMD Ryzen 7 8700G w/ Radeon 780M Graphics, but maple computation is particularly slow, cpu call special less computation is particularly slow, is there any way to improve?

How we can change identity like 1/sin(x)=csc(x) or 1/cos(x)=sec(x) sometime our function is beger than this and radical come in how i can do thus simplification?


M := sin(x)/cos(x)



convert(M, trig)









K := 1/sinh(x)



simplify(convert(K, trig))






Q := sqrt(beta[0]/(B[1]*cosh(xi*sqrt(-lambda))))





simplify((beta[0]/(B[1]*cosh(xi*(-lambda)^(1/2))))^(1/2), 'trig')





Since my problem involving a 2d heat equation was answered so well,

(hats off to nm !!) I thought I would try another PDE question.


Question: can pdsolve handle a combination of the function and its derivative for

the boundary conditions, i.e., Robin boundary conditions?


I looked through the document example, pdsolve_boundaryconditions, which was

beautifully written. However, I saw no example with Robin BCs.


"restart; interface(imaginaryunit = i):      StartTemp(x):= `T__0`*(e)^(-`alpha__0` )*cos(Pi*(x)/(`L__0`));   `L__0` := 10: #` Length of rod` `T__0` := 100: #` max temperature` `alpha__0` := 6/(100): #`  Dampening factor` plot(StartTemp(x) , x = 0 .. `L__0`,  thickness = 5,             view = [0..`L__0`, -100..100],  labels = ["Position on rod", "Temperature"], labelfont = [Times, 14],             labeldirections = [horizontal, vertical], title = "Temperature in rod at t = 0" , titlefont = [Times, 16],             size = [500, 225]);"

proc (x) options operator, arrow, function_assign; T__0*exp(-alpha__0)*cos(Pi*x/L__0) end proc



The equation and the initial condition:

heat_equation := diff(T(x, t), t) = k*(diff(T(x, t), x, x)); initial_condition := T(x, 0) = T__i(x)

Using a linear combination of the function and its derivative, i.e., Robin BCs.

boundary_conditions := `α__r`*T(0, t)+`β__r`*(D[1](T))(0, t) = f(t), `α__r`*T(L__0, t)+`β__r`*(D[1](T))(L__0, t) = g(t)


Setting the constants

"  `alpha__r` := 1:  #` Constant for boundary condition`  `beta__r` := 2: #` Constant for boundary condition`     `T__s`:= 10:  #` Time interval`  k:=9/(10):  #` Heat-conductivity of material`    f(t) :=-1/(10) t:                  g(t):=1/(10) t:  "

Solving using nm's technique of not defining the function before calling pdsolve

sols := pdsolve({heat_equation, boundary_conditions, initial_condition}, T(x, t))


Now include the initial temperature function

"`T__i`(x) := StartTemp(x):  "

Extracting the solution, and using 20 terms

sol := eval(rhs(sols), infinity = 20)

-134/135+(1/270)*x^3-(7/90)*x^2+(67/135)*x+Sum(exp(-(9/1000)*Pi^2*n^2*t)*(Pi*n*cos((1/10)*n*Pi*x)-5*sin((1/10)*n*Pi*x))*(Int(-(x^3-21*x^2+134*x-27000*exp(-3/50)*cos((1/10)*Pi*x)-268)*(Pi*n*cos((1/10)*n*Pi*x)-5*sin((1/10)*n*Pi*x)), x = 0 .. 10))/(1350*Pi^2*n^2+33750), n = 1 .. 20)+(1/50)*t*x-(7/50)*t


Evaluate the integrals and build the solution to the temperature as a function of position and time

T__sol := MakeFunction(value(sol), x, t)


Here is the problem:

in plotting the solution at t = 0, we do NOT reproduce the initial temperature function.


plot(T__sol(x, 0), x = 0 .. L__0, -120 .. 120, thickness = 5, size = [500, 225])


If I use boundary conditions for either Dirichlet or Neumann, i.e., T(0, t) & T(L__0, t) 

or "`T__x`(0,t) & `T__x`(`L__0`,t)", the initial function is reproduced at t = 0.


Is this example one of those situations that was addressed in the notes?

Given a problem with PDEs and some BCs, note the following:


Depending on how you write a general PDE solution, it becomes
possible or nearly impossible to adjust it to match the BCs.




Using Maple to prove one of the axioms in mathematics.

The idea is to prove that (-1)*(-1)= 1.  The mere fact that 0's are involved in the proof makes it harder.  So it's easy enough on paper to solve, as I will show in the steps below.

It is known 0*x=0 for all values of x,
and 1-1=0,
If we let x=-1, then 0*(-1)=0,
sub in for zero   (1-1)(-1)=0,
expand (1)*(-1) + (-1)*(-1)=0, also we agree that 1*y=y for all values of y,
so ......  (-1) + (-1)*(-1)=0,
and therefore (-1)*(-1) = 1

Does anyone have an elegant way of showing that in Maple?

OneFrame := proc(k)
local Courbe, T, a, b, c, t, P, Q, NormM, F, Ell, sol, N1, N2, dr, tx;
a := 11; b := 7; c := sqrt(a^2 - b^2); t := 1/3*Pi;
Ell := x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1;
geometry:-point(T, (a^2 - b^2)*cos(t)^3/a, -(a^2 - b^2)*sin(t)^3/b);
Courbe := plots:-implicitplot(Ell, x = -a - 10 .. a + 10, y = -b - 10 .. b + 10, scaling = constrained, color = blue);
NormM := plots:-implicitplot(y - b*sin(t) = a*sin(t)*(x - a*cos(t))/(b*cos(t)), x = -a - 5 .. a + 10, y = -b - 10 .. b + 10, color = orange); geometry:-line(Per, y - b*sin(t) = a*sin(t)*(x - a*cos(t))/(b*cos(t)), [x, y]);
geometry:-point(P, subs(y = 0
, geometry:-Equation(Per), 0));
geometry:-point(Q, 0, subs(x = 0, geometry:-Equation(Per)));
geometry:-point(M, a*cos(t), b*sin(t));
geometry:-point(N1, a*cos(k), b*sin(k));
geometry:-point(F, 2.329411765, -2.567510609);
geometry:-line(L, N1, F);
sol := solve({geometry:-Equation(L), Ell}, {x, y},explicit);
geometry:-point(N2, subs(sol[2], x), subs(sol[2], y));
geometry:-segment(sg, N1, N2);
tx := plots:-textplot([[geometry:-coordinates(M)[], "M"],
[geometry:-coordinates(N1)[], "N1"], [geometry:-coordinates(N2)[], "N2"],
[geometry:-coordinates(P)[], "P"],
[geometry:-coordinates(Q)[], "Q"],
[geometry:-coordinates(F)[], "F point de Frégier"],
[geometry:-coordinates(T)[], "T"]], font = [times, bold, 16], align = [above, left]);
dr := geometry:-draw([sg(color = magenta, linestyle = dash),
Per(color = black), P(color = red, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 12),
Q(color = red, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 12),
M(color = black, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 12),
F(color = red, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 12),
N1(color = black, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 8),
N2(color = black, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 8),
T(color = black, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 8)]);
plots:-display(Courbe, tx, dr, scaling = constrained, axes = none); end proc;

plots:-animate(OneFrame, [k], k = Pi/3 .. Pi, frames = 50);
Error, (in plots/animate) wrong type of arguments
Why this animation does't work ? Thank you very much.

Dear Maple users

I am defining various geometrical items in the plottools package and finally plot them using the display command. Let's say I have defined:





and finally want to plot them with the display command:


It works, however sometimes I only want some of these items to be plotted. Certain variables at the beginning of the document do control if those items should be plotted or not. Let's say a variable CircleOrNot can be set to have the values "no" or "yes", and if I set it to "yes", it should plot it and if the value is "no", it should not plot it. I know that I can make a conditional statement in the end when dealing with the display command, but it can be quite a mess (condition after condition ...).

What I would like is making a conditional assignment like the following:

If CircleOrNot="yes" then Circle1:=circle(...) else Circle1:=null end if

or something like that, and afterwards use the full display command including all objects:


But it does not work. I receive an error. There doesn't seem to be an empty statement, which will just be ignored by the display command. How can I do it? Probably someone has a good way to handle this situation.

Best regards,


What is the correct way to find all terms of the form  _Cn^m where n is non negative integer and m is exponent which can be 1?

The problem is finding _Cn with no exponent. Maple's   _Cn^anything does not match _Cn but only when there is an actual exponent present.

It is easy to find _Cn^m with m present and easy to find _Cn with no exponent, but how to combine the two is the problem. Here is an example.

Given e:=_C1^2+_C1+_C2^3+a+b; I want to obtain the set {_C1^2,_C1,_C2^3}  but I get instead {_C1, _C2, _C1^2, _C2^3} using ther following code

indets(e,   Or(  And(symbol, suffixed(_C, nonnegint)),
                 And(symbol, suffixed(_C, nonnegint))^anything  ));

If instead I do this

indets(e, And(symbol, suffixed(_C, nonnegint))^anything);

This gives {_C1^2, _C2^3} , so it did not pick the _C1 term since exponent is missing. If I do this instead

indets(e, And(symbol, suffixed(_C, nonnegint)));

This it gives {_C1, _C2} and if I do 

indets(e,   And(symbol, suffixed(_C, nonnegint))^Or(anything,identical(1)))

it gives {_C1^2, _C2^3}

What to do to obtain {_C1^2,_C1,_C2^3} 

I am trying to find all _Cn^m in an expression where m can be anything including not being there (or 1 basically) but in Maple, exponent 1 is not counted as exponent.


Another input example is e:=_C1^2+_C1+ _C1*_C2^3+a+b;  This should be produce the set {_C1^2,_C1,_C2^3} 

Any trick to use for this?

Maple 2024.1


What is the relationship between font size and screen pixels on plots? My screen are 2560 x1440 and 1920 x1200. Is for exanple size 12 font 12 pixels high?

Also when a diplay plot is say 800 x 600 pixels in size does the plot  does it use the max horizontal or vertical number of pixels? I know it may not fill the plot area in both directions. Or are some pixels trimmed of around the sides. Is it that the bounding box is the 800 x 600? I know when a caption is added the plot area is reduced in size vertically. 

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