Question: Vector of lists: how to extract list elements?

I have a column vector of lists. FWIW, it was generated by numerically solving an ODE and then map-ping the solution over a vector with values for the independent variable, like "yt:=map(solnn,xv)" where xv is a column vector with floats and solnn is the result of a dsolve(...,numeric). Each element of the solution vector yt has the form [t=..., y(t)=..., d/dt(y(t))=...] and has the type List.

I want to extract the solutions for y(t) (i.e. the numbers only) into a new vector so I can post-process the data. For one element I can do yt[2][2] to get at these, but I can't seem to process the whole vector in this way. I tried op() and it works for one element of the vector, but not the whole thing. I do not want to write a DO loop for this...

Any suggestions out there?

Mac Dude

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