Question: Plot of PDE solution

The system consists of 3 equationsHow can you single out one of the solutions in obtaining module and plot for it?
a := 1; m := 1/64 
l1 := 2*(diff(ur(e, t), t))+(1+tanh((1/20)*e))*(diff(ui(e, t), `$`(e, 2)))+2*a*(ui(e, t)*ur(e, t)*ur(e, t)+(ui(e, t)*ui(e, t))*ui(e, t))+m*ui(e, t)*(diff(ur(e, t)^2, e))+m*ui(e, t)*(diff(ui(e, t)*ui(e, t), e)) = 0 
l2 := -2*(diff(ui(e, t), t))+(1+tanh((1/20)*e))*(diff(ur(e, t), `$`(e, 2)))+2*a*(ur(e, t)^3+ur(e, t)*ui(e, t)^2)+m*ur(e, t)*(diff(ur(e, t)^2, e))+m*ur(e, t)*(diff(ui(e, t)^2, e)) = 0 
l3 := U(e, t) = sqrt(ui(e, t)^2+ur(e, t)^2) 
It's system. 
Required plot, and it is advisable not plot3d, but simply  plot U (e, 0

IBC := {ui(500, t) = 0, ui(e, 0) = 0, ur(-500, t) = 0, ur(e, 0) = 1/ch(e), (D[1](ui))(500, t) = 0, (D[1](ur))(-500, t) = 0} 
funcs := {U(e, t), ui(e, t), ur(e, t)} 
> sol := pdsolve({l1, l2, l3}, IBC, funcs, numeric, time = t, timestep = 10, spacestep = 10); 
I get 
module () local INFO; export plot, plot3d, animate, value, 

But when I try to get plot, I have an error
> with(plots); 
> sol:-plot(U(e, t), e = -100 .. 100, t = 0); 

Error, (in pdsolve/numeric/plot) unable to compute solution for t<HFloat(0.0): 
solution becomes undefined, problem may be ill posed or method may be ill suited to solution 

How can I solve it, help me please?

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