Question: How to replace D-notation with standard partial derivative notations

I am trying to illustrate the chain rule for multivariet functions




The Maple responce is D1(f)(u(x,y),v(x,y)*(partial of u(x,y) wrt x) +..etc


I would like to replace the D- notation with the standard notation for the "partial of f wrt u" for obvious reasons - this is what students are familar with. The convert cmnd Doe Not Work in this case.


Similarly the cmnd diff(u(x,y),v(x,y),x,x) gives rise to D1,D11, D12 symbols which I would likee to convert to standard partial notation.


All this is a BIG DEAL when trying to illstrate the chain rule in Cal III.


Joe Salacuse


Kettering University

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