Question: Getting rid of singularities

> with(DEtools);
> L := -1.576674; MU := 0; DE13 := {(D(x))(t) = x(t)*(1+4*x(t)*x(t)-y(t)*y(t))+MU*y(t)*(x(t)*x(t)-.43*y(t)*y(t)-L), (D(y))(t) = y(t)*(1+x(t)*x(t)-.5*y(t)*y(t))+MU*x(t)*(x(t)*x(t)-.43*y(t)*y(t)-L)}; DEplot(DE13, [x(t), y(t)], t = 0 .. 20, [[x(0) = 0.1e-1, y(0) = .99], [x(0) = -.1, y(0) = -.9], [x(0) = 1.1, y(0) = 0], [x(0) = 0, y(0) = .2], [x(0) = 0, y(0) = .6], [x(0) = .6, y(0) = 0], [x(0) = .75, y(0) = 1], [x(0) = .1, y(0) = .1], [x(0) = .5, y(0) = 1.0], [x(0) = -.5, y(0) = 1], [x(0) = .5, y(0) = -1], [x(0) = -.5, y(0) = -1], [x(0) = -0.1e-1, y(0) = .99], [x(0) = 0.1e-1, y(0) = -.99], [x(0) = -0.1e-1, y(0) = -.99], [x(0) = .5, y(0) = -1], [x(0) = -.5, y(0) = -1], [x(0) = 0.1e-1, y(0) = .9]], stepsize = 0.1e-1, scene = [x(t), y(t)], title = "phaseplane 3 prime plot", linecolor = black, thickness = 1);
/ / 2 2\
{ D(x)(t) = x(t) \1 + 4 x(t) - y(t) /,

/ 2 2\\
D(y)(t) = y(t) \1 + x(t) - 0.5 y(t) / }
Warning, plot may be incomplete, the following errors(s) were issued:
cannot evaluate the solution further right of .93908020e-1, probably a singularity
Warning, plot may be incomplete, the following errors(s) were issued:
cannot evaluate the solution further right of .26367741, probably a singularity
Warning, plot may be incomplete, the following errors(s) were issued:
cannot evaluate the solution further right of .23463732, probably a singularity
Warning, plot may be incomplete, the following errors(s) were issued:
cannot evaluate the solution further right of 1.7040014, probably a singularity
Warning, plot may be incomplete, the following errors(s) were issued:
cannot evaluate the solution further right of .62484768, probably a singularity
Warning, plot may be incomplete, the following errors(s) were issued:
cannot evaluate the solution further right of .62484768, probably a singularity
Warning, plot may be incomplete, the following errors(s) were issued:
cannot evaluate the solution further right of .62484768, probably a singularity
Warning, plot may be incomplete, the following errors(s) were issued:
cannot evaluate the solution further right of .62484768, probably a singularity


what do i need to do so there are no more singularites?

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