Question: how to force the maple to outputs numeric value? evalf is not effective?

my codes list below.note the last line of the codes.evalf is not effective? the output is a long expression. how to force the maple to evaluate the long expression into a numeric value?


 ALL := [`$`(1 .. 3)]:
 solution_k := simplify(solve(map(proc (i) options operator, arrow:
 1/k[i] = (cos(Phi)*(x[i]-Tx)+sin(Phi)*(y[i]-Ty))/(-sin(Phi)*(x[i]-Tx)+cos(Phi)*(y[i]-Ty)) end proc, ALL), [Tx, Ty, Phi]), size):
 k := map(proc (i) options operator, arrow:
 tan(phi[i]) end proc, ALL):
 deg2rad := Tolerances:-`*`(Pi, Tolerances:-`^`(180, Tolerances:-`-`(1))):
 phi0[1] := Tolerances:-`*`(Pi, Tolerances:-`^`(3, Tolerances:-`-`(1))):
 phi0[2] := Pi:
 phi0[3] := Tolerances:-`-`(Tolerances:-`*`(Pi, Tolerances:-`^`(3, Tolerances:-`-`(1)))):
 alpha := Tolerances:-`*`(Pi, Tolerances:-`^`(10, Tolerances:-`-`(1))):
 L := 1:
 phi := phi0:
 x := map(proc (i) options operator, arrow:
 cos(phi0[i]+alpha)*L end proc, ALL):
 y := map(proc (i) options operator, arrow:
 sin(phi0[i]+alpha)*L end proc, ALL):
 angleError := Tolerances:-`&+-`(0, Tolerances:-`^`(10, -4)):
 locError := Tolerances:-`&+-`(0, Tolerances:-`^`(10, -4)):
 phi := map(proc (i) options operator, arrow:
 phi[i]+angleError end proc, ALL):
 x := map(proc (i) options operator, arrow:
 x[i]+locError end proc, ALL):
 y := map(proc (i) options operator, arrow:
 y[i]+locError end proc, ALL):



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