Question: nested procedure (quick sort)

Dear those who are in Mapleprimes,


As I can't understand how Maple calculate the quick sort, I write the present question, hoping that someone give me a hint.

In essence, nested procedure I cannot understand is this:




if m<n then



end if;


end proc:


Details were ommitted, but I have to say that p is the number between m and n, which is determined by ommitted parts of 

the procedure.

And, with this nested procedure, 

quicksort([2,4,1,5,3],1,5) is calculated.


What I want to know is how to process the parts of (1) and (2).

If after (1) is processed, (2) is processed, what is the value of p in (2).

Is it the p which is determined successively through processing nested value of (1)?


Thank you in advance.



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