Question: Differenting an expression with two time dependent variables outputs a table function?


I'm trying make Maple write the actual result, when i differenting an expression: x[s] := x(t)+sin(theta(t))*a.
when i differentiate with respect to t, i get:

> diff(x[s], t);
print(`output redirected...`); # input placeholder
/ d \ / d \
|--- ()(t)| + cos(theta(t)) |--- theta(t)| a
\ dt / \ dt /

Maple, writes the expression as a table, but i need to see the normal function? Why does it do that? And how can i make it show the expression as a normal function?

When i derive the two parts serperately i get the normal result, but as soon as i add them together, i get the table rasult again?

Is there an easy trick for this one?




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