Question: Plot axis font (size)

I want to draw plots with big numbers in axes

but when I change font sizes it dont work

please help me


eta := 3:
beta := t[1]*(H-t[1])/H^2:
for i from 5 to 10 do H := i:
PL[i] := plot((t[1]^4+2*eta*beta*(2-beta)*H^4+eta^2*(H-t[1])^4)/(eta*(H-t[1])+t[1]), t[1] = 0 .. H, y = 0 .. 3000, color = black, axesfont = [Font(14), Font(14)], size = [560, 500]) end do:
with(plots): display({seq(PL[j], j = 5 .. 10)})


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