Question: how to extract specific values from dsolve


After solving ode I am looking only for the values >=1.5. For example at t=1, y(t)=3.8940.

How can I extract the values >= 1.5 from the solution to use it as data (t,y(t)) and save it ?

with(DEtools); with(plots);
eqn := diff(y(t), t) = -.25*y(t);

 init := y(0) = 5;

sol := dsolve({eqn, init}, {y(t)}, numeric, output = array([seq(i, i = 0 .. 50)]));
p[1] := plot(1.5, t = 0 .. 50, colour = black);

p[2] := odeplot(sol, [t, y(t)], t = 0 .. .50, colour = red);

display(p[1], p[2]);



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