Question: how to set CPU limit on buildin operation such as int or dsolve?

according to help on timelimit

"Note: For efficiency reasons, the timelimit bound is ignored while in built-in routines."

Which is not very useful, since I want to limit  int() to some CPU time.

There are some integrals that can hang Maple easily. I'd like to set some CPU time on an int() and
have it terminate with error, but I am not able to find how to do that.

For example this


Will hangs Maple.
Is there a trick some expert here can show to limit the CPU time on a build in operation?
May be some package or other command can do this?

I am only interested in int() now, but if it can work also on dsolve, that will be good.

thank you
ps. Mathematica supports putting time constraint on build-in commands. So I do
not see why Maple can't also do the same.
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