Question: How to calculate that integral?

I have in mind


My unsuccessful trials are

evalf(Int(cos(log(x)/x)/x, x = 0 .. 1, method = _d01akc));

Error, (in evalf/int) NE_QUAD_MAX_SUBDIV:
  The maximum number of subdivisions has
  been reached: max_num_subint = 500


evalf(Int(cos(log(x)/x)/x, x = 0 .. 1, method = _d01akc, methodoptions = [maxintervals = 2000]));

Error, (in evalf/int) NE_QUAD_MAX_SUBDIV:
  The maximum number of subdivisions has
  been reached: max_num_subint = 2000


evalf(Int(cos(log(x)/x)/x, x = 0 .. 1, method = _d01ajc));

Error, (in evalf/int) NE_QUAD_NO_CONV:
  The integral is probably divergent or slowly convergent.

Mathematica cracks it without any options, producing 0.323367.


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