Question: Maple worksheet dissemination - to maximize

What method of worksheet dissemination maximizes the number of recipients and methods of access?

Our students do have access to Maple on campus. However some students beyond our campus do not. Hence I'm trying maximize the number of recipients. This means that the recipient can accesses my worksheet either via tradition computer OSs such as Mac, Linux, Windows, or via tablet / personal computer OSs: iOS or Android. 

For a static worksheet, I've found PDF is the obvious choice. However, I'm writing more modifiable worksheets. The most obvious options I see are:

* MaplePlayer
* MapleCloud
* Maple WWW, by DigiArea Team

In investigating the options, I have found that:
* Maple Player is useful to those who have no access to Maple, but there appears to be no Android/iOS version of it.
* MapleCloud looks very promising since all OSs read the web, but there appears to be no way a person can join a private group via the MapleCloud website. Am I missing or misreading the help?
* Maple WWW, while pretty, appears to be painfully slow on a tablet (at least the examples I looked at).

Thus the initial purpose of this post is to answer the questions I raise, which I view as far more strategic, with more nuances than most questions that appear on this forum. And the second purpose is to initiate more discussion among the users year, particularly from the educational community, about guiding the direction of Maple.

I look forward to your comments and suggestions.

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