Question: Quick qustion, top view plots


In maple you can use the interactive menu and choose what axes you want to look at the plot, ie. I choose Z axes and see the plot from above, can i do this by using syntax as a plot option?



restart; with(plots); with(Student[Precalculus]); with(LinearAlgebra)

S1 := x^2+y^2 = 4;

x^2+y^2 = 4


z = 2-x


F := Vector(3, {(1) = cos(z), (2) = x^2, (3) = 2*y}, attributes = [vectorfield, coords = cartesian[x, y, z]])


F := VectorCalculus:-Curl(F)

F := Vector(3, {(1) = 2, (2) = -sin(z), (3) = 2*x}, attributes = [vectorfield, coords = cartesian[x, y, z]])


g := [diff(rhs(S2), x), diff(rhs(S2), y)]

[-1, 0]


intergrand := -F[1]*g[1]-F[2]*g[2]+F[3]




Integrasjons område er projeksjonen på z=0 planet, her sirkel med radius=2

Intersection := lhs(S1) = rhs(S2);

x^2+y^2 = 2-x


{x = x, y = (-x^2-x+2)^(1/2)}, {x = x, y = -(-x^2-x+2)^(1/2)}


X := solve(rhs(Y[1, 2]))

-2, 1


plot3d([lhs(S1), rhs(S2)], x = X[1] .. X[2], y = rhs(Y[2, 2]) .. rhs(Y[1, 2]), color = [red, green]);


plot3d([lhs(S1), rhs(S2)], x = X[1] .. X[2], y = rhs(Y[2, 2]) .. rhs(Y[1, 2]), color = [red, green])





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