Question: Multiple boolean expressions

Hi everyone,

Instead of writing:

a[1] < b[1] or (a[1] = b[1] and a[2] < b[2]) or (a[1] = b[1] and a[2] = b[2] and a[3] < b[3]) or (a[1] = b[1] and a[2] = b[2] and a[3] = b[3] and a[4] < b[4]) or (a[1] = b[1] and a[2] = b[2] and a[3] = b[3] and a[4] = b[4] and a[5] < b[5])...

Is there a more convenient way to do so? Plus, what if a[1] = b[1] and a[2] = b[2] and ... and a[99] = b[99] and a[100] < b[100]? I do not imagine writhing everything.

Thanks for your help. 

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