Question: Maple giving back double integral unevaluated

I am trying to evaluate the following double integral where hypergeom([x,1/2],[3/2],C) is gauss hypergeometric function 2f1. maple gives back it unevaluated. I doubt it may be due to slow convergence of hypergeometric function. 

restart; x := (1/6)*Pi; evalf(int(evalf(int(cos(x)*hypergeom([x, 1/2], [3/2], sin(x)/(r*cos(x)+k-2*r*sin(x))^2)/(r*sin(x)^2+r*cos(x)+k)^4, k = 0 .. 10)), r = 1 .. 2))

Int(Int(.8660254040*hypergeom([.5000000000, .5235987758], [1.500000000], .5000000000/(-.1339745960*r+k)^2)/(1.116025404*r+k)^4, k = 0. .. 10.), r = 1. .. 2.)





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