Question: How do I use Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalisation to find Orthogonal Polynomials?

I am attempting to use the Gram-Schmidt process with Maple to show that the first six orthogonal polynomials which satisfy the following orthogonality condition:

$\int_0^1 (1-x)^{3/2} \phi_n(x) \phi_m(x) dx = h_{n} \delta_{nm}$   

can be expressed in the form:

\phi_0(x) = 1, \phi_1(x) = x − 2/7 , \phi_2(x) = x^2 − (8/11)x + 8/99 , \phi_3(x) = x^3 − (6/5)x^2 + (24/65)x − 16/715 , \phi_4(x) = x^4 − (32/19)x^3 + (288/323)x^2 − (256/1615)x + 128/20995 , \phi_5(x) = x^5 − (50/23)x^4 + (800/483)x^3 − (1600/3059)x^2 + (3200/52003)x − 256/156009.

At the same time I have to find the corresponding values for h_n, so for example, h_0 = 2/5 and h_1 = 8/441.  The polynomials which I obtain have to be combined with the Gaussian quadrature method to show that

$\int_0^1 (1-x)^{3/2} \phi_n(x) \phi_m(x) dx = h_{n} \delta_{nm} \approx \sum_{k=1}^4 c_k f(x_k)$

where x_k are the four roots of \phi_4(x)=0 such that x = [0.0524512, 0.256285, 0.548299, 0.827175]

and the 4 c_k coefficients are given by c = [0.121979, 0.168886, 0.0920439, 0.0170909].

I have learned about Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation in a basic setting in linear algebra courses where a system of N linearly independent orthogonal vectors is constructed from a system of N linearly independent vectors, but unsure how to apply it to polynomials.  I am also vaguely familar with the idea of appoximating integrals with sets of orthogonal polynomials (Legendre, for example) but not exactly sure how this all works.

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