Question: Maple doesnt see variable inside procedure


please, help me understand why the procedure does not see a variable.

If you do this, then everything works:


F := 8*y^2*(3*R^2+2*y^2)/r^4; 
G := 24*R^2*y^4/r^6;
sigma := simplify(subs(r = sqrt(x^2+y^2), (1-k[1]+k[2])*R^2*(3-(3*R^2+18*y^2)/r^2+F-G)/(2*r^2)+k[2]*R^2*(1-2*y^2/r^2)/r^2)):
k[1] := E[2]*((3-nu[2])*E[1]+(5+nu[1])*E[2])/((E[1]+2*E[2])^2-(nu[2]*E[1]+(1-nu[1])*E[2])^2);
k[2] := E[2]*((3*nu[2]-1)*E[1]+(1-3*nu[1])*E[2])/((E[1]+2*E[2])^2-(nu[2]*E[1]+(1-nu[1])*E[2])^2);
nu[1] := 1/3; nu[2] := 1/3;
s := simplify(sigma);
si := proc (x, y) if R <= x^2+y^2 then -(3/2)*R^2*(-(1/3)*y^6+(R^2+(11/3)*x^2)*y^4+(-6*R^2*x^2+3*x^4)*y^2+R^2*x^4-x^6)*(E[1]-E[2])/((x^2+y^2)^4*(E[1]+2*E[2])) else E[2]*((3*nu[2]-1)*E[1]+(1-3*nu[1])*E[2])/((E[1]+2*E[2])^2-(nu[2]*E[1]+(1-nu[1])*E[2])^2) end if end proc:
R := 1; M := 5;
E[2] := (1/10)*E[1];
plot3d(si, -M .. M, -M .. M, axes = frame);


and we get a beautiful plot:


If inside the procedure after 'then' I try to enter the variable s, then the procedure does not see it .... global, local, return (s), value(s), inside the procedure or outside, Ive tried everything .... help plzl!


F := 8*y^2*(3*R^2+2*y^2)/r^4; 
G := 24*R^2*y^4/r^6;
sigma := simplify(subs(r = sqrt(x^2+y^2), (1-k[1]+k[2])*R^2*(3-(3*R^2+18*y^2)/r^2+F-G)/(2*r^2)+k[2]*R^2*(1-2*y^2/r^2)/r^2)):
k[1] := E[2]*((3-nu[2])*E[1]+(5+nu[1])*E[2])/((E[1]+2*E[2])^2-(nu[2]*E[1]+(1-nu[1])*E[2])^2);
k[2] := E[2]*((3*nu[2]-1)*E[1]+(1-3*nu[1])*E[2])/((E[1]+2*E[2])^2-(nu[2]*E[1]+(1-nu[1])*E[2])^2);
nu[1] := 1/3; nu[2] := 1/3;
s := simplify(sigma);
si := proc (x, y) if R <= x^2+y^2 then s else E[2]*((3*nu[2]-1)*E[1]+(1-3*nu[1])*E[2])/((E[1]+2*E[2])^2-(nu[2]*E[1]+(1-nu[1])*E[2])^2) end if end proc:
R := 1; M := 5
E[2] := (1/10)*E[1];
plot3d(si, -M .. M, -M .. M, axes = frame);

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