Question: Multiple plots in maple


I´a currently making a school assigment, but i can´t get maple plots to combine the graphs i plot, when i plot multiple plots. (see picture) (the code is in the bottom of the question)

as you can see the green and yellow grafh won´t combine. I have tried google but couldn´t find any anserws that worked.
Hope someone can help me!
with(plots); with(Plot);
a := plot(4, x = 0 .. .25, color = red, view = [0 .. .25, 0 .. 5]);
b := plot(1/x, x = .25 .. 1.101, color = blue, view = [.25 .. 1.101, 0 .. 5]);
c := plot(-(1/12)*x+1, x = 1.01 .. 6, color = yellow, view = [1.101 .. 6, 0 .. 5]);
d := plot(.5+sqrt(x-5), x = 6 .. 20, color = green, view = [6 .. 20, 0 .. 5]);
e := plot(1.15*sqrt(x-7), x = 7 .. 20, color = pink, view = [7 .. 20, 0 .. 5]);
display(a, b, c, d, e);
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