Question: how to ODEPLOT with respect to parameter?

Hi, i want to plot an ode plot with respect to a parameter (E) in range [0,4] instead of time.
I start with unassign variable E and tried to change 't' for 'E' directly, but its give me error 
did I use the incorrect syntax/ step?

restart; with(linalg); with(VectorCalculus); with(DEtools); with(plots)

r := .9; K := 10; beta := .5; g := 0.3e-1; alpha[1] := .4; alpha[2] := 2.2; alpha[3] := 4; d[1] := .1; d[2] := .1; q := 1; E := 2.5; s := .46; delta := 1.5; b := 1.2; p := 1; c := 0.1e-1; mu := 0.25e-1; P0 := 4; M0 := 5; N0 := 3; L0 := 2; T := 20

> dP := VectorCalculus[`+`](VectorCalculus[`+`](VectorCalculus[`*`](VectorCalculus[`*`](r, P(t)), VectorCalculus[`+`](1, VectorCalculus[`-`](VectorCalculus[`*`](P(t), 1/K)))), VectorCalculus[`*`](g, P(t))), VectorCalculus[`-`](VectorCalculus[`*`](beta, P(t)))); dM := VectorCalculus[`+`](VectorCalculus[`+`](VectorCalculus[`*`](beta, P(t)), VectorCalculus[`-`](VectorCalculus[`*`](VectorCalculus[`*`](q, E), M(t)))), VectorCalculus[`-`](VectorCalculus[`*`](d[1], M(t)))); dN := VectorCalculus[`+`](VectorCalculus[`-`](VectorCalculus[`*`](s, N(t))), VectorCalculus[`*`](VectorCalculus[`*`](VectorCalculus[`*`](delta, N(t)), M(t)), 1/VectorCalculus[`+`](M(t), VectorCalculus[`*`](b, N(t))))); dL := VectorCalculus[`+`](VectorCalculus[`*`](VectorCalculus[`+`](alpha[1], VectorCalculus[`-`](VectorCalculus[`*`](VectorCalculus[`*`](alpha[2], L(t)), 1/VectorCalculus[`+`](alpha[3], M(t))))), L(t)), VectorCalculus[`-`](VectorCalculus[`*`](d[2], L(t))));

> satu := diff(P(t), t) = dP; dua := diff(M(t), t) = dM; tiga := diff(N(t), t) = dN; empat := diff(L(t), t) = dL;

> pdb := satu, dua, tiga, empat; fcns := {L(t), M(t), N(t), P(t)};
> Q := dsolve({pdb, L(0) = L0, M(0) = M0, N(0) = N0, P(0) = P0}, fcns, type = numeric, method = rkf45, maxfun = 500000);
> odeplot(Q, [[t, P(t), color = blue], [t, M(t), color = green], [t, N(t), color = red], [t, L(t), color = gold]], t = 0 .. T, numpoints = 100000, thickness = 2); 

its work fine if i plot with respect to time (t), but when i tried to change it for a parameter like E its doesnt work

odeplot(Q, [[E, P(t), color = blue]], E = 0 .. 4, numpoints = 100000, thickness = 2)

Error, (in plots/odeplot) curve is not fully specified in terms of the ODE solution, found additional unknowns {E}
following the output that I expected


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