Question: how to improve this program and find a procedure for bisector without geometry

with(LinearAlgebra); A := `<,>`(4, 8); B := `<,>`(4, 2); C := `<,>`(1, 4); v := (A-B)/Norm(A-B, 2)+(A-C)/Norm(A-C, 2); M := t*v+A; u := (A-B)/Norm(A-B, 2)-(A-C)/Norm(A-C, 2); M := t*u+A; eq1 := eliminate({x = 3*t*(1/5)+4, y = 9*t*(1/5)+8}, t); eq2 := eliminate({x = -3*t*(1/5)+4, y = (1/5)*t+8}, t); A := convert(A, list); B := convert(B, list); C := convert(C, list); AB := plot([A, B]); AC := plot([A, C]); bissec1 := implicitplot(op(eq1[2]), x = 0 .. 5, y = 0 .. 10, color = red, scaling = constrained); bissec2 := implicitplot(op(eq2[2]), x = 0 .. 5, y = 0 .. 10, color = green, scaling = constrained); display([bissec1, bissec2, AB, AC]); Drawing of bisector without geometry
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