Question: How do I split an equation and save the right hand side to a new variable?

This may be a total newbie question, but is there a way to split an equation and save the right hand side? For example, have a look on what happens without split:

numer(L = 2/3);
"Error, invalid input: numer expects its 1st argument, x, to be of type {list, set, algebraic}, but received L = 2/3"

I thought that "convert"-function might be able to do this, but for example this does not work:

convert(L = 2/3, algebraic)

"Error, invalid input: `convert/algebraic` expects its 1st argument, pr, to be of type procedure, but received L = 2/3"

Please understand that this is a simplified example. The real problem looks like

sol := solve({eq1, eq2,eq3, res}, {L, x1, x2, x3})

The point here is how to convert the sol[1], which is L = numerator/denumerator into --> numerator/denumerator

Taking a copy of the equation works, but this is only an intermediate result, so if the split does not work automatically, Maple cannot compute the problem to the end without human intervention, and since this problem takes a long time to solve, it would be nice if I could just leave Maple to finish the task by itself.

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