Question: Problem with animation toolbar in Maple 2021

Anyone have a problem with non-appearance of the animation toolbar in Maple 2021????


Whilst coming up with a response for the problem here

I found an issue with the non-appearance of the animation toolbar in Maple 2021. This is rather difficult to illustrate without the use of screenshots, for which I apologise.

Normally(?) I would just select a plot and the animation toolbar appears "as if by magic"

First screen shot is using Maple 2020, The blue highlighting rectangle around the plot was visible when I initiated the snip, but disappeared when the snipping tool activated. However this shows that the animation toolbar is available (and works)

I do exactly the same thing in  Maple 2021 and I can't make the animation toolbar appear - see below. Aagain the plot wa highlighted when I initiated the snip but the highlighting disappeared when the snipping tool activated. Now there is no sign of the animation toolbar

It is still possible to do very basic animation in Maple 2021 by clicking on the plot and using the context menu - but this is very basic

The code used in the above plots is given supplied below

         ( [ seq
             ( plot
               ( Vector([1, 3, 4, 6]),
                 Vector([8, 6, 2, 5]),
                 style = point,
                 symbol = j,
                 symbolsize = 40,
                 color = blue
               j in [ asterisk, box, circle, cross, diagonalcross,
                      diamond, point, solidbox, solidcircle, soliddiamond
           insequence = true

Is it just me?

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