Question: How to Use Nonexecutable math in documents.?

The attached worksheet is a stripped down version of some notes I am creating concerning the solution of vector equations in geometric algebra.  For the purposes of explanation it is best to show the math in its conventional typeset form before showing how to solve the equations in maple. The non-excutable math is in the text which is contained in a paragraph inserted before the execution group. In the first instance, the typesetting engine seems content to leave the text alone, but in the second case (which I created in the same way) it insists on parsing the equations and generating errors. I have tried repeatedly to make the second set of equations non-executable (since in maple terms they are nonsense) to no avail.
Can anyone suggest how I can use maple's text features to make the explanatory text inert.

Note that I have included the calls to my geometric algebra module in case they have some relevance to the problem, but they will not execute without the module.

Sample worksheet:

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