I am trying to export a 3D plot from Maple (2021) in a vector format that can be imported into Adobe Illustrator without too much trouble. The graphic artist says the PDF files are not useful (“at the base of every PDF is an image file, inside layers and layers of clipping paths; not helpful”). “SVG does not appear to produce usable vectors – well, maybe not, but the one you sent me was super difficult to wrangle”. She had hoped that EPS would be useful, but she was unable to open the EPS file I created (not enough memory).
Here is the example that I have been using as I've asked others for help with this question.
T := torus([0, 0, 0], 1/2, 1/2);
C0 := spacecurve([cos(t), sin(t), 0], t = 0 .. 2*Pi, color = red, thickness = 9);
C1 := spacecurve([0.5*cos(t), 0.5*sin(t), 0.5], t = 0 .. 2*Pi, color = red, thickness = 9);
C2 := spacecurve([0.5*(1 + cos(t)), 0, 0.5*sin(t)], t = 0 .. Pi, color = blue, thickness = 9);
C3 := spacecurve([0.5*(-1 + cos(t)), 0, 0.5*sin(t)], t = 0 .. Pi, color = blue, thickness = 9);
Fig9510 := display([T, C0, C1, C2], view = [DEFAULT, DEFAULT, 0 .. 1/2], scaling = constrained, transparency = 0.75);
Direct links to the worksheet and the PDF, EPS, and SVG files on DropBox are provide below in the hope that something will be useful to somebody. (MaplePrimes links are provided for the MW and PDF files are also provided - but EPS and SVG files are not permitted.)
- 3DPlotExample.mw: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mx1hg1ntuqihnu3/3DPlotExample.mw?dl=0
- Fig9510.pdf: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bnzfqrh060gw84g/Fig9510.pdf?dl=0
- Fig9510.eps: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h9bjyn0uwm8w5ct/Fig9510.eps?dl=0
- Fig9510.svg: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u2xfntnqvbhu810/Fig9510.svg?dl=0
This question has been asked for more than ten years. The best solution to has been to use the command-line-interface version of Maple.
- Is the command-line interface still the best/only option for vector-based graphics output?
- If so, how do i access the command-line version of Maple 2021 on MacOS?