Question: How to use smartview option in Plot?

in my program, I need to generate plot of solution. I only know where the initial condition x value is. So I give to plot the x range as some value around that initial condition location. But this is not perfect, since the command line script will fail if Y value happend to be too large somewhere in this range due to singularity. (This fails only in the command line print driver, not in the worksheet GUI).

I can ofcource limit the y range also, using view=[....] but I do not know how to pick best Y range  automatically in the program to show what is interesting in the plot without doing lots of analysis on the expression.

There is something called smartview which is supposed to be active by default. But it does not seem to be working too well.

Here is an example. This function blows up at value near x=Pi  due to singularity. and I want the plot to automatically limit the Y range without having to specify manually the y view.


So clearly "smartview" did not do it or I am not using it correctly. But it is supposed to be "active"? 

Compare the same thing with Mathematica Plot where this  is handled automatically by Plot

sol = Exp[-3^(1/2)*(Cos[x] - 1)/Sin[x]];
Plot[sol, {x, 0, 2*Pi}]

Again, I know I can do the following in Maple


The problem is that I am doing this in a program, which only gets an expression as function of x to plot, around some x location. So hard to decide what the right Y range is. It will best if Plot can determine the best view automatically.

How to use smartview to handle this? Or are there other alternative plot options for such cases?

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