Question: rsolve for system of recursive equations


how to find the solutions of a system of recursive equations? And the plot too.

I tried but...

B := rsolve({a(0) = 0, a(i) = (1 + 10^(-5)*(0.01*(i - 1) - 0.007)/0.0001)*a(i - 1) + 0.1*10^(-5)*c(i - 1), c(0) = 0, c(i) = 0.01*10^(-5)*(i - 1)/0.0001*a(i - 1) + (1 - 10^(-5))*0.1*c(i - 1)}, {a(i), c(i)}, 'genfunc'(t));
B := rsolve({a(i) = (0.9983000000 + 0.001000000000 i) a(i - 1)

   + 0.000001000000000 c(i - 1), 

  c(i) = 0.001000000000 (i - 1) a(i - 1) + 0.09999900000 c(i - 1)

  }, {a(i), c(i)}, genfunc(t))


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