Question: How to manage different datatypes in a matrix?

CorrBasis := {<sqrt(3),2,0>, <0,1/5,1>};
CorrMat := Matrix([op(CorrBasis)]);

Basis := {<3^(0.5), 2., 0.>, <0.,0.2,1.>}; #float
Basis := remove(i -> is(LinearAlgebra:-Rank(<CorrMat|i>) <> nops(CorrBasis)),  Basis);

I need to use matrices/ vectors with different datatypes. Do I need to turn them all into floats in order for Basis to remain the same after calling

Basis := remove(i -> is(LinearAlgebra:-Rank(<CorrMat|i>) <> nops(CorrBasis)),  Basis);

Is there any better way to manage this?

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