Question: Computing very high genus


Would  anyone here  be interested in helping me with a genus problem and running the following code and letting me know the genus?  I do not have Maple and have tried other avenues for help without success; the on-line Magma calculator cannot compute it and Mathematica does not have a genus function.  I believe the following is the correct syntax to compute the genus however it may take a while.



f:=2*z^6 + z^7/2 - (5*z^11)/4 + 4*z^22 + (29*z^34)/10 - z^40 - (13*z^43)/2 + w^38*(z^2 - z^7/4) + 
 w^49*(-z^9 + z^13/4 + 2*z^14) + w^34*((7*z^14)/3 - (3*z^18)/2) + w^47*(z^10/3 + (7*z^11)/4 + (8*z^21)/5) + 
 w^24*(4*z^8 + (4*z^25)/5 - (3*z^27)/2) + w^9*((-6*z^2)/5 - z^6/2 + (7*z^31)/3) + 
 w^16*((7*z^21)/3 + (4*z^27)/5 + (4*z^32)/3) + w^18*(-6*z^14 - 2*z^31 - z^33) + w^3*(2*z^17 + (7*z^34)/2) + 
 w^16*((-3*z^5)/4 - 2*z^36 + z^39/3) + w^50*(-1/3*z^23 - (7*z^40)/2 + z^42) + w^4*((-3*z^30)/2 + (4*z^38)/3 + (8*z^42)/5) + 
 w^33*(-3*z^4 + (8*z^22)/3 - (8*z^43)/5) + w^16*(-1/4*z^26 - (3*z^41)/4 - z^43) + w^48*((2*z^2)/3 + 6*z^26 + (3*z^43)/5) + 
 w^49*(2*z^18 + z^36 - 2*z^44) + w^10*((-2*z^11)/5 - (3*z^26)/2 + z^45) + w^40*(-1/2*z^20 - z^29 + z^46) + 
 w^36*(-4 + 8*z^13 - (7*z^47)/4) + w^14*((7*z^24)/5 - 6*z^32 - 6*z^49) + w^22*(-2*z^27 - (8*z^50)/3) + 
 w^2*((3*z^10)/5 + (7*z^24)/4 - z^50/4);


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