Question: Could not store error

z1 := 0.15;
                           z1 := 0.15

z2 := 0.85;
                           z2 := 0.85

Q := Matrix(3, 3, [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 3, 3]);
P_S := Matrix(1, 3, [ps0, ps1, ps2]);
Phi_S := Matrix(3, 1, [1, t^(1 + gs1), t^(2 + gs2)]);
dz1Phi_S := t^z1*Matrix(3, 3, [0, 0, 0, 0, Gamma(gs1 + 2)/Gamma(gs1 + 2 - z1), 0, 0, 0, Gamma(gs2 + 3)/Gamma(gs2 + 3 - z1)]);
dz2Phi_S := t^z2*Matrix(3, 3, [0, 0, 0, 0, Gamma(gs1 + 2)/Gamma(gs1 + 2 - z2), 0, 0, 0, Gamma(gs2 + 3)/Gamma(gs2 + 3 - z2)]);
P_I := Matrix(1, 3, [p_i0, p_i1, p_i2]);
Phi_I := Matrix(3, 1, [1, t^(1 + gi1), t^(2 + gi2)]);
dz1Phi_I := t^z1*Matrix(3, 3, [0, 0, 0, 0, Gamma(gi1 + 2)/Gamma(gi1 + 2 - z1), 0, 0, 0, Gamma(gi2 + 3)/Gamma(gi2 + 3 - z1)]);
dz2Phi_I := t^z2*Matrix(3, 3, [0, 0, 0, 0, Gamma(gi1 + 2)/Gamma(gi1 + 2 - z2), 0, 0, 0, Gamma(gi2 + 3)/Gamma(gi2 + 3 - z2)]);
P_H := Matrix(1, 3, [ph0, ph1, ph2]);
Phi_H := Matrix(3, 1, [1, t^(1 + gh1), t^(2 + gh2)]);
dz1Phi_H := t^z1*Matrix(3, 3, [0, 0, 0, 0, Gamma(gh1 + 2)/Gamma(gh1 + 2 - z1), 0, 0, 0, Gamma(gh2 + 3)/Gamma(gh2 + 3 - z1)]);
dz2Phi_H := t^z1*Matrix(3, 3, [0, 0, 0, 0, Gamma(gh1 + 2)/Gamma(gh1 + 2 - z2), 0, 0, 0, Gamma(gh2 + 3)/Gamma(gh2 + 3 - z2)]);
P_L := Matrix(1, 3, [pl0, pl1, pl2]);
Phi_L := Matrix(3, 1, [1, t^(1 + gl1), t^(2 + gl2)]);
dz1Phi_L := t^z1*Matrix(3, 3, [0, 0, 0, 0, Gamma(gl1 + 2)/Gamma(gl1 + 2 - z1), 0, 0, 0, Gamma(gl2 + 3)/Gamma(gl2 + 3 - z1)]);
dz2Phi_L := t^z1*Matrix(3, 3, [0, 0, 0, 0, Gamma(gl1 + 2)/Gamma(gl1 + 2 - z2), 0, 0, 0, Gamma(gl2 + 3)/Gamma(gl2 + 3 - z2)]);
S := (P_S . Q) . Phi_S;
ds1 := simplify(((P_S . Q) . dz1Phi_S) . Phi_S, GAMMA);
ds2 := simplify(((P_S . Q) . dz2Phi_S) . Phi_S);
H := (P_H . Q) . Phi_H;
dh1 := simplify(((P_H . Q) . dz1Phi_H) . Phi_H, GAMMA);
dh2 := simplify(((P_H . Q) . dz2Phi_H) . Phi_H);
L := (P_L . Q) . Phi_L;
dl1 := simplify(((P_L . Q) . dz1Phi_L) . Phi_L, GAMMA);
dl2 := simplify(((P_L . Q) . dz2Phi_L) . Phi_L);
I3 := (P_I . Q) . Phi_I;
di1 := simplify(((P_I . Q) . dz1Phi_I) . Phi_I, GAMMA);
di2 := simplify(((P_I . Q) . dz2Phi_I) . Phi_I);
RS1 := ds1 + (-0.0043217^z1 + ((0.125^z1*S) . I3) + (0.002^z1 + 0.0008^z1)*S);
RS2 := ds2 + (-0.0043217^z2 + ((0.125^z2*S) . I3) + (0.002^z2 + 0.0008^z2)*S);
RH1 := dh1 + (-0.535^z1 + ((0.0056^z1*H) . I3) - 0.35^z1 + (0.002^z1 + 0.0008^z1)*H);
RH2 := dh2 + (-0.535^z2 + ((0.0056^z2*H) . I3) - 0.35^z2 + (0.002^z2 + 0.0008^z2)*H);
RI1 := di1 + (-((0.125^z1*S) . I3) - ((0.0056^z1*H) . I3) - 0.029^z1*L + (0.002^z1 + 0.0008^z1 + 0.025^z1 + 0.35^z1)*I3);
RI2 := di2 + (-((0.125^z2*S) . I3) - ((0.0056^z2*H) . I3) - 0.029^z2*L + (0.002^z2 + 0.0008^z2 + 0.025^z2 + 0.35^z2)*I3);
RL1 := dl1 + (-0.025^z1*I3 + (0.002^z1 + 0.0008^z1 + 0.029^z1)*L);
RL2 := dl2 + (-0.025^z2*I3 + (0.002^z2 + 0.0008^z2 + 0.029^z2)*L);
R15 := evalf(RH1^2 + RI1^2 + RL1^2 + RS1^2, 4);

I1 := evalf(ApproximateInt(R15[1, 1], t = 0 .. 1), 4);
h := 0.01;
B := zeros([1, 20]);
A := Matrix(1, 20, [ps0, ps1, ps2, p_i0, p_i1, p_i2, ph0, ph1, ph2, pl0, pl1, pl2, gs1, gs2, gi1, gi2, gh1, gh2, gl1, gl2]);
for i to 20 do
    B[1, i] := evalf(diff(I1, A[1, i]), 4);
end do;
NLPSolve(I1, {B[1, 1] = 0, B[1, 2] = 0, B[1, 3] = 0, B[1, 4] = 0, B[1, 5] = 0, B[1, 6] = 0, B[1, 7] = 0, B[1, 8] = 0, B[1, 9] = 0, B[1, 10] = 0, B[1, 11] = 0, B[1, 12] = 0, B[1, 13] = 0, B[1, 14] = 0, B[1, 15] = 0, B[1, 16] = 0, B[1, 17] = 0, B[1, 18] = 0, B[1, 19] = 0, B[1, 20] = 0});
Error, (in Optimization:-NLPSolve) could not store .2000*(4.61629127484374902+.6380*(.100000000000000019e-1*Gamma(3.)*Gamma(3.85)+.375000000000000116e-3*Gamma(4.)*Gamma(2.85))/Gamma(2.85)/Gamma(3.85))*(.6380*(.100000000000000019e-1*Gamma(3.)*D(Gamma)(3.85)+.375000000000000116e-3*D(Gamma)(4.)*Gamma(2.85)-.112350000000000015e-2*Gamma(4.)*Gamma(2.85))/Gamma(2.85)/Gamma(3.85)-.6380*(.100000000000000019e-1*Gamma(3.)*Gamma(3.85)+.375000000000000116e-3*Gamma(4.)*Gamma(2.85))/Gamma(2.85)/Gamma(3.85)^2*D(Gamma)(3.85)-.238097850000000034e-2)+.594623719800000056e-3*(.333300000000000046e-2*Gamma(3.)*Gamma(3.85)+.125000000000000030e-3*Gamma(4.)*Gamma(2.8...

Hello everybody. after running this code in Maple i get NLPSolve error (could not store...). I asked this question before and shared a picture. now i well share the code. how can i fix this error?

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