Question: Simple way to display inert version in Explore procedure requested

If one writes:

y := x+1




Then, one can display y = x+1 using this notation


'y' = y

y = x+1



However, regardless of the type of punctuation I use with the Explore procedure (or even the IntertForm package), the value for y is calculated. (See examples below.)  My question is:


How can I get Explore to write it out as in line (2) with x evaluated?



(The first is a jpg of what is shown since MaplePrimes cannot show the Explore output.)



Explore('y' = y, x = 0 .. 5, echoexpression = false)

Explore(y = y, x = 0 .. 5, echoexpression = false)

Explore(InertForm:-Display(y) = y, x = 0 .. 5, echoexpression = false)


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