Question: select terms with sum of powers equal to one

Hi. i want to select terms with sum of powers equal to 1 and other terms with sum of powers more than 1 for the following equation.


eq:=-2.*10^(-12)*p[1](t)*q[1](t) + 7.133360604*10^(-8)*p[1](t)*q[0](t) + 2.839877758*10^(-7)*q[0](t)*p[2](t) + p[0](t)*q[0](t) + p[0](t)^2 + q[0](t)^3 + p[1](t) + 8*q[4](t)






 actually i need an algorithm to select linear terms from nonlinear ones(sum of powers equals to more than one) and vice versa.

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