Question: Plot approximations

I have the function PDE=8πν2c3hνehνkT-1  and derivate with respect to ν and make the change variable ν=1/t it seems it doesn’t work. I put the derivate of 1/t => -1/t2 by hand  (could it be done by “dchange” the hole transformation ?)

I want to approximate the value of the integral. It seems that the solution of the equation and plot in 2 situations for low-frequency ν < 1014  and for high frequency so  when the exponential is dominated.

Thus plot the whole function E2 in the two situations. Could it be done with a series?

For value h := 6.62607015*10^(-34); c := 299792458; T := 273 + 24; k := 1.380649*10^(-23);

ec := 1.602176634*10^(-19); ν1 :=1012 ; ν2 := 1017 ;Tq := 1.765358264*10^(-19);

Could it be merged E2 into one plot for ν = 1012 .. 1017

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