Question: What is a (the) point

I am very frustrated with the geometry package.
I wanted to draw a circle thru 3 points and so I opened the geometry package help pages.
> restart;
> with(geometry);
> with(plots);

Here is the example given there
> circle(c1, [point(A, 0, 0), point(B, 2, 0), point(C, 1, 2)], 'centername' = O1)

As you can see the command uses the point command from the geometry package which is

> point(C, 1, 2)

Maple consistently uses := as the assignment operator. Not with this command. One would expect the syntax to be

>C:=point([-1. 2]);

or some such but no, that is not how it works.Notice that I am not alone in my opinion about this being a violation of standard Maple syntax; the Maple parser AGREES with me

> type(point(C,1,-3),point);

Perhaps I am just being grouchy but pointplot works fine with
> pointplot([[1, 3],[1.7, 2],[-1, 7]])

> pointplot([P1,P2,P3]);
Error, (in plots:-pointplot) number of elements in list must be a multiple of 2

Oh well, let’s see what we get with our circle construction

Error, (in plots:-display) expecting plot structure but received: c1

Bad guess on my part.

> radius (c1)
yields the correct number and
> center(c1)
yields the name of the circle but
yields what I want. Peculiar but OK , let's go on.
I can write the equation of the circle now that I have the center and radius but hopefully I try

>  equation(c1); and get an error message!!!

The commands center, radius work but equation does not! Here is what works
> Equation(c1)

If one really wants to CONFUSE the user why not eQuaTiOn? Who would guess that? (Sorry to be sarcastic but …) At least with the equation and implicit plot one can finally get a plot of the circle. Is that CLUMSY?

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