Question: Plot


restart; with(DEtools); phaseportrait([(D(x))(t) = -.1+x(t)^2-x(t)*y(t), (D(y))(t) = y(t)^2-x(t)^2-1], [x(t), y(t)], t = -10 .. 10, [[x(0) = 0, y(0) = 1], [x(-2) = -2, y(-2) = -1], [x(0) = 1, y(0) = 0], [x(0) = 0, y(0) = 0]], stepsize = 0.5e-2, scene = [x(t), y(t)], linecolor = t, x = -4 .. 4, y = -3 .. 3) I want to explicitly draw the hyperbola with arrows in the direction of the vector field. How do I obtain this? With the initial conditions I get solution curves that I dont want.
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