Question: change the solution sequence of equations set using "fsolve "


I am a beginner of maple.

I try to solve a series of equations sets  with 5  unknown parameters, T, x1,x2,y1,y2

I use fsolve to get the solutions(with 7000 series of solution T,x1,x2,y1,y2). But I found the sequence of the solution is totally disordered.

Like this:
  {x2 = 0.2397737599, x1 = 0.7633930119 10   , y1 = 1402.995860,

        y2 = -47636.68497, temp = 234.9000000}

  {x1 = 0.7765009354 10   , temp = 235.0000000, x2 = 0.2397741910,

        y1 = 1399.543983, y2 = -47638.15760}

  {y1 = 1396.091132, y2 = -47639.63123, x1 = 0.7898224340 10   ,

        temp = 235.1000000, x2 = 0.2397746221}


I want the solution to be always like T=,x1=,x2=,y1=,y2=


And the second question is  how can I get rid of the scientific notation like the x1 solution above.  I want the string like,x1=0.00007898224340. not the form above becasue I want to calculate them in the Excel.


What should I do?


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