Question: Recursive Error Problem in Multiple Summation

I have this formula:g:=Sum(Sum(Sum(n!/m!/j!/k!*(1+p/20-c-h)^m*(h-p/20)^j*c^k*( j*(w+r*p)+Sum( k!/(k-l)!/l!*(c+h-p/20)^l*(1+p/20-c-h)^(k-l)*( (k-l)*(w+r*p)+l*(w+r*p)*X),l=0..k)),k=n-m-j..n-m-j),j=0..n-m),m=0..n);

which I realized was silly after a few minutes of looking at it, that I should be able to reduce it to a double and triple sum instead of a triple and quadruple sum. However: when I got to reduce the triple to the double, with the formula




I get Error, recursive assignment


Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? I'm used to older versions of maple and have recently upgraded to a copy of Maple 12.  Any help would be great. Thanks.

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