Question: Boundary value problem of two wave equation

Hi everybody, Using pdsolove(SyPDE, BIC, numeric), I have to model propagation of two waves , u(x,t) and v(x,t) , in two elastic test rods that are in contact. The problem are boundary conditions at the contact surfaces: values of forces and strain are equal at the first rod right end and at the second rod left end: D[1](u)(l_1,t)=D[1](v)(0,t) and (u)(l_1,t)=(v)(0,t) Maple can't do that. Should I put in code some transitional Maple expression or function for force and strain, like, for force X:=(delta*x)/l, in order to get this: D[1](u)(l_1,t)=X, D[1](v)(l_1,t)=X, or, there is another way? Thanks for helping, Velimir, Serbia
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