Question: 3d interactive plot

Question:3d interactive plot

econ 24 Maple

Hi Maple experts,

I need your help with the following: using Maple 10, I have created an interactive 3D-plot with two variables (a and m) as well as 2 parameters (d and g). In the default settings, the graph's origin is in the "back", with the a- and m-axes running "towards me". I can turn the graph the way I need it, i.e., such that the origin is depicted in the "front" with the axes running "away from me", but whenever I slide the parameters, the graph turns back to its original (default) setting. I would like the origin to remain in "front" while sliding the parameters. This is my command line:

> plots[interactiveparams])('plot3d', $ [ln(20-d\cdot{}a^2-g\cdot{}m^2)+ln(.1+.2\cdot{}a)/(m+1), $ m = 0 .. 5, a = 0 .. 5, labels = ["m", "a", ""], axes = boxed], d = 0 .. 5, g = 0 .. 5)

Is tehre anything I can do to change the default settings? Thanks a lot in advance


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