Question: Accelerate my Feigenbaum

Hi, my procedure takes about 163 sec to calculate the list. Are there ways to accelerate this (except lowering the amount of points) ? Does my 4 core processor have an advantage here ?

f := rsolve({s(1) =0.3, s(n+1) = a*s(n)*(1-s(n))}, s, makeproc):
g := (n, i) -> eval(f(n), a = i):
t := time(): L := [seq(seq([i, g(k, (1/320)*i)], i = 800 .. 1280), k = 200 .. 300)]: time()-t;

#leave the plot out if you want

plot(L, x = 800 .. 1280, y = 0 .. 1, style = point, symbol = solidcircle, colour = black, symbolsize = 5);




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